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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got done with school today...

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I've been on a binder since May 1st (when I had comencement). But as of July 1st, I enter the real world.


I'm sure its needed. But 7-1 is when the real fun begins, I mean then every morning I'll have to a make a decision; smokes or drinks? Cigs or forties. I tell you, alcohol is saving me from lung cancer.

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Our last day of school was May 28th but the last final was June 3. At my school though finals are non-mandatory :)

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i finished my last exam on monday, i just hafta get yearbooks tomorrow. that, and sit through a 3 hours long assembly

lol, it was longer then 3 hours. I'm so glad school is finally over. The ministry of ed screwed my and asfda's school so badly, and ended up having a 2+ month crunch period + exams. It was dreadful.

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I WISH we had non-mandatory exams, I would be exempt from all mine if it was over 80 percent, I`d be the happiest kid in the world. Unfortunatey, my dream is not a reality and I gotta do 5 exams.

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They are non-mandatory if you only have 2 excused absenses or an A in the class. If you have any unexcused abscenses (skipping, suspension, etc.) you have to take the final despite the grade you have. So they are mostly attendance based.

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They are non-mandatory if you only have 2 excused absenses or an A in the class. If you have any unexcused abscenses (skipping, suspension, etc.) you have to take the final despite the grade you have. So they are mostly attendance based.

Thats not as sweet of a deal as it sounds. I know that I do well on finals, regardless of how I do in the class. So like with Spanish this term, I got a C, but I know I aced the final. For me, finals always seem to help out and are never that bad. I guess that might be because my hardest classes are AP, and once the AP tests are over, you sort of breeze through the last month of school. Its the damn Spanish thats killer.

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My senior year people spent a month worling on their Astronomy final projects. I napped in the classes and partied at night, then took the 30 minute final and aced it. My classmates thought I was stupid for doing it, but I got a higher grade than nearly everyone else did on their final. I always preferred taking tests, much more effective use of time.

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Last Thursday, but I have one exam each day starting Monday untill Thursday. Then I'm done 'till September. Also Kosy I don't know how you could not like non-manditory exams. I would be exempt from all every exam this year. I guees for your reasons it makes sense, but I would rather not have them. God damn Ontario curriculium(sp?).

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finished really may 28th (classes ended) but because iw as a senior and met the requiremnts, i had to take only one exam which was on the 4th of june. I graduated the 5th

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