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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate care question

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After playing, I have always removed the footbeds on my skates. I now have Bauers, and I notice there is a plastic plug under the heel; should that be taken out as well? and if so, do i even need the plug in there, or can I just leave it out all the time?

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All skate with Tuuks holders have these plastic plugs. I have never removed mine and don't think you should. It is the screw that holds your still in place. Like above poster said it will most likely rust and never come off again. Samrt move on taking the footbeds out when your done for the day. Prevent some stink.

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After playing, I have always removed the footbeds on my skates.  I now have Bauers, and I notice there is a plastic plug under the heel; should that be taken out as well?  and if so, do i even need the plug in there, or can I just leave it out all the time?

I actually have been keeping the plugs out on my Bauer 7000 pro stock. No problem whatsoever (in 6 years). While a couple of guys with Bauer skates with plugs had crap under the plugs. Of course I've been taking the insoles out after playing.

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Leave the plugs in. One night after playing you will come home drunk, pull out the footbeds and the plugs and the next day never remember where you put anything.

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I just looked inside a pair of brand new Bauer 7000 pro stock made for some New Jersey Devils guy with a funny name. They don't have the plugs (came that way).

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What is his funny name? I would be interested to know who still wears those 7000 construction boots. 5 years ago they were tanks and ultra stiff. As for the plugs, the equipment manager probably has a box full of them to put in the sole whenever he wants. Leaving the plugs out is not on the custom boot options list!!

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Actually, my thought on taking the plug out was this--after skating there is moisture inside the holder. I thought taking the plug out might allow that moisture to better evaporate so as to help reduce the chance for rust. I guess keeping them out when you play might get more moisture in the holder when you play.

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Actually, my thought on taking the plug out was this--after skating there is moisture inside the holder. I thought taking the plug out might allow that moisture to better evaporate so as to help reduce the chance for rust. I guess keeping them out when you play might get more moisture in the holder when you play.

You are correct!

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I was talking to the equipment guy for the kingston frontnacs and he says all of the players have theres removed...The moisture gets through to the hardware anyway from the blade ....Look there is not a tight seal around the blade.....so the best thing to do is remove the sumbitch

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What is his funny name? I would be interested to know who still wears those 7000 construction boots. 5 years ago they were tanks and ultra stiff. As for the plugs, the equipment manager probably has a box full of them to put in the sole whenever he wants. Leaving the plugs out is not on the custom boot options list!!

Krzystof Oliva. Size 10,75 A/AA. Haha.

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A/AA? Whats wrong with that guy?

Hell my Grafs were 13 7/8 A/AAA. Fortunately my feet have shrunk, and I just got some Mission S500's. Mighty fine skate!

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