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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Have you checked out the catalog section of this site? You can also go to the Easton website for more information.

What I can tell you is that the Synthesis is no longer being produced. The Synergy II is pretty much the new Synthesis. The Ultra Lite is the all around performer for Easton. And the Cyclone could be considered a price point shaft but I could be wrong. :rolleyes: There are cheaper shafts made by Easton (Typhoon and Octane). The Cyclone is made for smaller hands due to the intermediate shaft radius. Check out the reviews on this website for more info on the Cyclone. Price wise the Synergy II will be the more expensive shaft. As far as the Ultra Lite and the Cyclone, I have seen websites that advertise them for the same price. Some people here like the Cyclone because its easier to stick handle with.

edit: Oh BTW, the Synergy II(Synthesis) is a tapered shaft. The Ultra Lite and the Cyclone are standard shafts.

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While the cyclone is cheaper than most other easton shafts, I wouldn't call it a price point. price points generally are poor performing and made of substandard materials. The Cyclone is the lightest in Easton's line and is made with quality materials and processes. I use the cyclone with my average sized hands, and I love it.

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I asked about the ultra lite at my LHS recently. He stated the Z-bubble for example is tapered at the end for a better performing kick-point. The UL is more or less a straight shaft with no performance enhancements.

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Quick question with the Cyclone - it seems like the 70 flex version is alot like an intermediate shaft - does that mean it take intermediate or junior blades, or does it still take senior blades?

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I asked about the ultra lite at my LHS recently. He stated the Z-bubble for example is tapered at the end for a better performing kick-point. The UL is more or less a straight shaft with no performance enhancements.

The Z Bubble has a tapered "focus flex"zone near the end of the shaft where the blade is inserted. (if you feel the sides of the shaft you will feel it getting thinner and then thicker to accept a stadard blade.) This is not the same as the technology of the synthesis/synergy II shafts, and other "tapered" shafts. Tapered shafts get thinner, but do not flare out.

Also, just because the UL doesn't have any gimmicks doesn't mean it's not a high performance shaft. It's still compression molded from high grade carbon.

Quick question with the Cyclone - it seems like the 70 flex version is alot like an intermediate shaft - does that mean it take intermediate or junior blades, or does it still take senior blades?

All Cyclones (70 and 95 flex) accept standard senior blades and are senior length (48 1/2" shaft only, and they come with a 3" matching rounded butt end)

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I have seen a lot of cyclones around the rink lately. They are a great alternative for those who dont want to drop a LOT of money on a stick. I would have bought one, but I found a good sale on an UL. The UL has been the benchmark of quality for most shafts for a VERY long time now and have an almost religious following of users.

I prefer my tps redlite xn10, but I will never give up my ultralite.

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I prefer my tps redlite xn10, but I will never give up my ultralite.

Amen, brother! I have both as well with the same preference with the Red Lite and opinion of my Ultra Lite. Tried and trusted!

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If you pair a Synergy II shaft with a carbon blade, you'll have what feels basically like a OPS. It will cost you more than an entry level OPS, but you'll have the ability to easily replace the blades due to preference or damage.

I use a Synthesis and love it. I've never used an Ultralite. I've have a TPS Redlite (non XN10 model) and like that too, but I still prefer my Synthesis.

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I don't think it's worth $40, since there are some wood sticks that would perform better than it. If you can get it for for say, $20, Hell, why not, but for $50, you can get a Vapor XV shaft on hockeymonkey, which is in my opinion the best tapered shaft out there. In fact, I once went overkill and bought four of them when I already had two sticks.

Yes. They are that good.

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If you pair a Synergy II shaft with a carbon blade, you'll have what feels basically like a OPS. It will cost you more than an entry level OPS, but you'll have the ability to easily replace the blades due to preference or damage.

I use a Synthesis and love it. I've never used an Ultralite. I've have a TPS Redlite (non XN10 model) and like that too, but I still prefer my Synthesis.

the synthesis/synergy II is like the regular (silver)synergy, if I'm not mistaking.

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I would just wait for a deal. Ask around your LHS or even wait for a good deal to come online. For $50 you CAN get a nice shaft, you just have to be patient.

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