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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

2007 SyNergy SE Elite stick

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I bought a blue, non-grip Ryan Malone model at the Pens stick sale a few weeks ago. I'm not crazy about eastons in general, i prefer a more contoured shaft shape, but the balance is pretty nice, which makes it feel lighter by comparison. Its cut down a bit at the top but the balance point still seems to be higher up the shaft than some of my other sticks that arent cut down at all... All depends on personal preference if you're looking for that feel or not...

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i perfered the old stealths to the new CNT's. never tried a SL due to durability issues. I hope the SE has a nice kick like the old stealths. Not even my Macdaddy kicks as good.

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Here's a good pic of the stick compliments of Sports Illustrated.


I know its off topic, but I want those gloves :)

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i never used the cnt's other than handling a few in the shop, but i would say its pretty darn rectangular... very close if not the same to past synergies, just more elite...

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Just got mine from the Toy Drive. The stick is very nicely balanced, and is very "cool" looking. Very SHiny. Also, it has notches at the handle to make it easier with cutting I guess. ANy ?'s, lemme know

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When was the toy drive?, because I completely missed it and im pissed that I didn't know about it, can somebody fill me in on it, thanks.

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