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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What is the world is this?

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didnt crosby have a sherwood axion blade in his momentum comp? i could of sworn he was using a shaft

Last night? I saw that as well, not sure if it was a painted over wood blade, but it looked like a legit Axion blade in a Sherwood shaft.

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I have a black / red Reghr one from the flames. It does have the momentum graphics but its a wood stick with the Axion blade.

The Momentum has a honeycomb hollow wood shaft with a composite blade. Is the one you have a solid shaft? If so, I would guess that it's a repainted ETS 9.1. Regher used the Sherwood ETS 9.1 at the beginning of last season.

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I have a black / red Reghr one from the flames.  It does have the momentum graphics but its a wood stick with the Axion blade.

The Momentum has a honeycomb hollow wood shaft with a composite blade. Is the one you have a solid shaft? If so, I would guess that it's a repainted ETS 9.1. Regher used the Sherwood ETS 9.1 at the beginning of last season.

Yup. Reghr's is a solid wood shaft.

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i have 12 nazzy momentum look a likes, sops comiing.

gona be awsome

They ever come in?

How'd they come out?

ya but they messed up, no nazzy momentum graphix, just SOP graphix

i'll get the real momentums next year

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Yeah, I had a Naslund Sherwood I got at the Canuck's equipment sale, it was a sweet wood stick, I don't know why they don't make it available for retail. The Momentums in LHS feel kinda like a hybrid between your normal OPS and wood stick. Compared to the all wood Momentum sticks, the retail momentums feel heavier.

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