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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I like the simplicity of the Response and R+ and the original XN was nice. The retail graphics with the blue just never looked right to me.

I still think Larionanov's black response is one of the best looking sticks ever made.

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why dont they paint things all pretty.  they'd make so much more money off people who buy things because it looks good.

please hire me tps, i can do a better job with crayons, elmers glue, construction paper, and glitter.

yes, glitter. I want a gold sparkly OPS. Think Liberace walking stick with a blade on the end.

Fabulous. ;)

the worst part, I'm serious.

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I like the simplicity of the Response and R+ and the original XN was nice. The retail graphics with the blue just never looked right to me.

I still think Larionanov's black response is one of the best looking sticks ever made.

I still got mine, its sweeet. :D

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