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TSN SportsCentre in HD

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This looks damn good (and I've got an old, regular TV). I can only imaigne how good this looks on a widescreen HDtv.

Can anyone confirm it's HD awesomeness, and can anyone else (who doesn't have HD) tell a difference in the quality of the picture, or am I seeing things.

www.tsn.ca has info

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Honestly I can't notice a difference between HD and non-HD on my TV :P Maybe I'm just blind, but I don't really notice.

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Honestly I can't notice a difference between HD and non-HD on my TV :P Maybe I'm just blind, but I don't really notice.

The graphics look very crisp...the clips/highlights and stuff I can't tell a difference, but I suppose it is just better graphics than before.

Maybe I'm just looking too hard for a difference.

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I find some HD better than others for some reason, Louisville vs Miami last week was the best I have seen. Yesterday's Cincinnati vs Pittsburgh wasn't too shabby either. I pissed away the weekend watching football so I was stuck doing grammar homework during SC. I will try and watch tomorrow though.

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Theres a huge difference.Next time the Jays game is on tsn watch it and you'll see the difference.But i dont think its worth the investment i would wait till they become cheaper.

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Just wait until you watch some hockey on hi-def. I have a hi-def and non-hi def tv in my house and really it's like night and day.

Agreed. The TV in my room isn't Hi-Def, but upstairs is, and when i watch hockey upstairs compared to in my room its a major difference.

I watched Sportscentre this morning in Hi-Def and it was amazingly clear. The Jays games i've watched on Sportsnet and its hella clear.

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i love watching espn hd on my friends flatscreen tv. it is amazing.

the camera angles,replays and everything just look crisper, more clear and brighter!

i havent gotten to watch any hockey on it, but i plan on watchin some soon!!

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HD on a show like sportscenter is something of a waste. For Sports or movies it's fantastic though.

Once it is fully integrated and ALL the elements (highluihgts, live throws etc...) are HD, not just the opening graphics/studio elements it will be fantastic.

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HD on a show like sportscenter is something of a waste. For Sports or movies it's fantastic though.

Once it is fully integrated and ALL the elements (highluihgts, live throws etc...) are HD, not just the opening graphics/studio elements it will be fantastic.

ESPN has had it for a while now, it's really not a big deal.

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