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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New helmet suggestions?

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i personally love the bauer 8000's they are the greatestr helmet i have ever had.

we could make bettter sugestions if u gave us details....

previous helmet.

head shape..


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Tyr on a bunch and buy the one that fits best regardless of brand.

Or model..

Even the lowest end model will protect better if it fits correctly, vs an expensive model that is too big or small.

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I was asking me this question a while ago...

Excepted protection, what do you think makes a good helmet?

Vent? Light? Adjustability? Anything else?

I dont really care about the vents...What are their purpose? They cant help tooooo much.

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I was asking me this question a while ago...

Excepted protection, what do you think makes a good helmet?

Vent? Light? Adjustability? Anything else?

Maybe you can "borrow" a CCM/RbK mold and copy their helmet since you guys have so much talent copying other companies product... :rolleyes:

Do I really have to answer this question?

I'm not «Borrowing» any idea at all. All my concepts comes from my personnal studies for each and every product I make. You'll discover it by yourself when we're gonna have some new products on the market...

This one is clearly a cheap shot...

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I was asking me this question a while ago...

Excepted protection, what do you think makes a good helmet?

Vent? Light? Adjustability? Anything else?

I dont really care about the vents...What are their purpose? They cant help tooooo much.

I'd say their preventing you from sweating to much... And let's say that it's nice to feel some air getting in you're helmet while you're skating, isn't it??

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I was asking me this question a while ago...

Excepted protection, what do you think makes a good helmet?

Vent? Light? Adjustability? Anything else?

I dont really care about the vents...What are their purpose? They cant help tooooo much.

I'd say their preventing you from sweating to much... And let's say that it's nice to feel some air getting in you're helmet while you're skating, isn't it??

I guess. I do skate barefoot so I know I like the air on my feet when I skate. I havnt really noticed air circulation in my helmet.

I guess I'd notice it if It was taken away.

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I have a Mission Intake, which was the only helmet that I tried on and fit me in the whole store. I have a Jofa 480 Medium cage on my small helmet. It protects well, and it is very comfortable, and the vents are pretty cool too (no pun intended). They seem to work okay, but like ATT, I would only really notice their impact after they've been taken away.

Just my 2 cents.

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Love the mission intake. It's light, has great ventilation and I hope it has good protecetion as I am yet to need to use that feature. Also, cheaper then the other models (8000, 8k).

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I just purchased the new Rbk 8k and love it. I also tried the Mission Intake but it seemed to sit higher on my head. I would look at both the Rbk 8k and also the Mission Intake and see which fits better for you.

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I'm using the 8000 for like 6 month and This year i have no choice than wearing the mission intake...which piss me off because i paid 200 for this helmet.

How is the cushining? vent? comparing to the 8000?

Please help me! Because if they are not similar I will just buy a navy 8000 and they can go f*ck their self...Lol..

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Try on a bunch and buy the one that fits best regardless of brand.

Chadd is so right. So many get caught up in the hype or are told by their "coach" what helmet they have to wear. It all comes down to fit. IMO the best fitting helmets for MOST people are the B5000, 4000, (5500/4500), CCM 652 (692) and the RBK's, 6k or 8K. For me these are our top selling helmets, and WE make sure customers try ALL models on before buying. These models seem to gravitate to the top.

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