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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro Stock Sticks

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hey guys what abt the canadian edition xxx lite pro stock? i can't seem to find any online... whats my best way to get one?

That might be a hard one to find, Ebay might be your best bet.

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hmmm would the stores in canada have them?

thehockeyshop.com had them a while ago.

Maybe they have some left in the main store?

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I think there are some left at the sports exchange in Vancouver on Burrard street. I saw a bunch of the xxx lite Canadian edition from the IIHF Junior Championship games. they have the names of Canadian Junior players on them. Brand new.

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hmmm would the stores in canada have them?

thehockeyshop.com had them a while ago.

Maybe they have some left in the main store?

they still have them I believe, in Drury pattern both rightH and leftH.

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I was there last week-end. They definately have some. Not as many as the beginning of summer, but still quite a few.

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Before I forget, East West typically has some pro stock sticks. Check out their web site. I go in there from time to time and Jason typically has a bunch. His most recent batch are XXX lites.


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