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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Strange sound from Prolite 3 holder...

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Hi.. Last week i ordered a new pair of skates (CCM Tacks 852) from Hockeymonkeyeu here in Sweden. The skates where on closeout sale, so they are not returnable.. When i walk or skate in them, i hear some strange noise coming from the holders (prolite). The sound can be described as crunching

I have examined both holders and boots, but i cant find any cracks or anything else wrong..

Any ideas?

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Did you tighten the bolts holding the steel in? Those are always loose when you first get them. I dont know if its a crunching sound though.

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Nope! i havn't done anything to the skates. From the box, to the rink.. I have allways used Bauer in the past, so i am totally new to CCM.

Thanks for the tips!

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Did you tighten the bolts holding the steel in? Those are always loose when you first get them. I dont know if its a crunching sound though.

before you tighten them unscrew them and put a little extra loc-tite on them so the don't loosen up again.

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I've worn CCM's with ProLite blades before and found the sometimes made some strange noises when walking out to the rink from the dressing room. The advice the other guys have posted is great advice. Check the screws are tight and add a little locktite before you tighten them up if you have some handy. Otherwise with ProLite blades I would almost say it is the nature of the beast to make some strange sounds. This is something I've noticeed with a lot of CCM skates I've owned previously but haven't noticed it with the new E-Blade to date.

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Did you tighten the bolts holding the steel in? Those are always loose when you first get them.  I dont know if its a crunching sound though.

before you tighten them unscrew them and put a little extra loc-tite on them so the don't loosen up again.

Just make sure you use the blue colored Loc-Tite or you will destroy your holders trying to get the bolts back out. The red needs heat to release it, the blue does not.

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