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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate suggestion for forward

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i am currently on Vapor xxx's and i am looking for a new pair a skates to use. I have already tried the CCM V10s and i did not like them at all. I am playing junior "A" and a finesse type player and i speed is a big part of my game. I have flat arches and a normal width in foot size.

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i am currently on Vapor xxx's and i am looking for a new pair a skates to use. I have already tried the CCM V10s and i did not like them at all. I am playing junior "A" and a finesse type player and i speed is a big part of my game. I have flat arches and a normal width in foot size.

It should be simple: whatever fits you best.

I'd still look into CCM /RBK skates. Top end models are light, comfy, well built and explosive.

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i am currently on Vapor xxx's and i am looking for a new pair a skates to use. I have already tried the CCM V10s and i did not like them at all. I am playing junior "A" and a finesse type player and i speed is a big part of my game. I have flat arches and a normal width in foot size.

I'd like to go on record as the first to call B.S. on this one.

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YB19, if you dont mind, what league are you playing in? are you in the states or in canada?

did you like ur XXXs? not sure if they are broken down, or if youre looking to change, but if you liked those then why switch?

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i am playin in the NAHL in the states. My vapor xxx's are very much worn down, eye-lets are popping out, and on the sides it ripping apart. i like them, but i was just wondering if perhaps the One90's are worth the hype, cus i can get a good deal on them, or if i should go with something else.

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i was wondering if the white LS tuuk on the Vapor xxx could be mounted on the one90's, could someone let me know?

Yes they can.

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i am currently on Vapor xxx's and i am looking for a new pair a skates to use. I have already tried the CCM V10s and i did not like them at all. I am playing junior "A" and a finesse type player and i speed is a big part of my game. I have flat arches and a normal width in foot size.

Get this Russian skate:


Very few people in North America realize that these skates are the secret weapon that makes Russians so good at hockey.

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i am currently on Vapor xxx's and i am looking for a new pair a skates to use. I have already tried the CCM V10s and i did not like them at all. I am playing junior "A" and a finesse type player and i speed is a big part of my game. I have flat arches and a normal width in foot size.

Get this Russian skate:


Very few people in North America realize that these skates are the secret weapon that makes Russians so good at hockey.

EFSI.... isnt that the gloves that Ellias and a few other players use(d)?

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i am currently on Vapor xxx's and i am looking for a new pair a skates to use. I have already tried the CCM V10s and i did not like them at all. I am playing junior "A" and a finesse type player and i speed is a big part of my game. I have flat arches and a normal width in foot size.

Get this Russian skate:


Very few people in North America realize that these skates are the secret weapon that makes Russians so good at hockey.

EFSI.... isnt that the gloves that Ellias and a few other players use(d)?

Wasn't Larionov involved in it too? I remember seeing some Inno 1100s, same paint scheme and everything, with the EFSI logo on them.

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i am playin in the NAHL in the states. My vapor xxx's are very much worn down, eye-lets are popping out, and on the sides it ripping apart. i like them, but i was just wondering if perhaps the One90's are worth the hype, cus i can get a good deal on them, or if i should go with something else.

NAHL eh? What team?

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Get this Russian skate:


Very few people in North America realize that these skates are the secret weapon that makes Russians so good at hockey.

Does anybody sell these in Canada?

Probably not. But I probably can put some up on e-Bay for you. They probably are the Yugos of hockey skates though. Haven't seen anyone play in them here. But saw guys shell out $950 for a pair of One90s.

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Get this Russian skate:


Very few people in North America realize that these skates are the secret weapon that makes Russians so good at hockey.

Does anybody sell these in Canada?

Probably not. But I probably can put some up on e-Bay for you. They probably are the Yougos of hockey skates though. Haven't seen anyone play in them here. But saw guys shell out $950 for a pair of One90s.

Thanks Ivan,

But I'd rather get my skates from a shop.

Sorry I don't know what a Yougo is?

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Get this Russian skate:


Very few people in North America realize that these skates are the secret weapon that makes Russians so good at hockey.

Does anybody sell these in Canada?

Probably not. But I probably can put some up on e-Bay for you. They probably are the Yougos of hockey skates though. Haven't seen anyone play in them here. But saw guys shell out $950 for a pair of One90s.

Thanks Ivan,

But I'd rather get my skates from a shop.

Sorry I don't know what a Yougo is?

Yep, Yugos, that's what I meant. Thanks

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