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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood Helmet?

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I may be slow on things, but I was surfing the web and I came across a Sherwood helmet. I've heard about them being used in international tournaments and the like, but never really saw one until recently. Sherwood finally put pictures and specs up on their website for this helmet. At first glance, it looks like a Mission Intake knockoff. But upon further inspection you'll see that its ugly as mess and worse. Anybody have an opinion and/or experience with this lid?

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I think it's the old VIC helmet.

Yea, thats what I always figured... Makes sense, its easier than designing your own from scratch and probably already has the necessary approvals in place.

I don't think it's really that ugly. An old teamate of mine had the VIC a few years ago and I liked it. Its sorta of looks like a hybrid of Itech and CCM design. I think the Carbon model is pretty cool but I guess thats the inline player in me showing through :D

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I kinda like it.

If I were in the market for a new helemet and saw one cheap, I wouldn't hesitate to get one.

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I think it's the old VIC helmet.

You're right. They had a ton of different colors/patterns at the show.

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I think it's the old VIC helmet.

You're right. They had a ton of different colors/patterns at the show.

I remember seeing them at a tournament I went to in Boston or Rhode Island a while back and had no idea VIC even made helmets. They were going for about $25 but I never bothered to pick one up.

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we had a few of them instock a while back , its the same shell as the Vic Airflow 750 ............... but the padding in my view was not as good as the Vic, also we had a big problem with the side screws just not locking inplace on all 10 helmets we had.

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