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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates Stock Radius ?

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Hi guys. Before shooting me down and told to use the search feature, i have found some info but not all.

What is the manufactures stock radius on skates ? And what do people recommend?

Tuuk Custom/Custom Plus

Tuuk L/S

Tuuk L/S Power

Easton Razor Bladz


Graf Cobra NT 3000

CCM/Reebok E Holder

CCM Prolite

If i missed anything please advise.


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I've been told that Graf's are 10 - 11', Bauers 9' and CCM 11'. The rest I'm not sure and I'm not even sure if what I told you is correct...just what LHS guys have told me.

Whenever I purchase a new pair of skates, it makes no difference to me what the stock blade is set at since it's going to get set to my specs.

As what to recommend for you, it all boils down to personal preference. Your height, skate/holder size, type of player you are, can all dictate what you should do.

I just picked up a new pair of the Graf Ultra G5's and what works best for me on those is a 9' radius, 15/16 hollow with a toe down pitch.

When I purchased them I was told the stock radius was 11'? I had the guy sharpen them up at a 1' hollow and off I went. Well, I felt off balance when I shot, I couldn't pivot or turn quickly and the 1" on a 272 holder wasn't working for me. (I was skating on a 1" hollow for a year on my previous skates but they had 280 holders on them)

When I had them done to the specs I mentioned earlier, it was a world of difference and corrected all the issues.

It really comes down to experimenting to find the combo that works best for you.

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Hi guys. Before shooting me down and told to use the search feature, i have found some info but not all.

What is the manufactures stock radius on skates ? And what do people recommend?

Tuuk Custom/Custom Plus

Tuuk L/S

Tuuk L/S Power

Easton Razor Bladz


Graf Cobra NT 3000

CCM/Reebok E Holder

CCM Prolite

If i missed anything please advise.


Radius can't be recommended in this fashion. There are a number of factors in determining which radius is better for you.

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Hi guys. Before shooting me down and told to use the search feature, i have found some info but not all.

What is the manufactures stock radius on skates ? And what do people recommend?

Tuuk Custom/Custom Plus

Tuuk L/S

Tuuk L/S Power

Easton Razor Bladz


Graf Cobra NT 3000

CCM/Reebok E Holder

CCM Prolite

If i missed anything please advise.


Radius can't be recommended in this fashion. There are a number of factors in determining which radius is better for you.

Absolutely true. Think of radius like how you pick/select your favorite blade for your stick. You try a whole bunch till you find the perfect one that works great for you. You may try one that has excellent wrist shots but the slaps are off, or stickhandling off. So for radius, there are so many variables for each player. It would be impossible to come up with a "guide". Experienced radius sharpeners can select a good point to start after properly evaluating the player, then getting feedback and making necessary adjustments..

Of course, some shops just recommend 9' for forwards and 11' for defensemen. A 10' or 8' is never even an option.

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Because most shops who do radiuses with Blademaster/Blackstone's systems don't bother to order the 10 and 8 bars. They come standard with 7, 9, 11 and 13.

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Sorry for asking a really stupid question, but at what level would you recommend getting profiled.

My skating has come on quite a bit, but I am in a beginner adult league, and am still not that strong on my skates, does profiling make a big difference, on beginner legs?

Or is it something that I shouldlook at when I get much better and move up a level or 3


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I think getting your skates profiled can only help, regardless of your skill level.

The first step may be in trying to ID what problems you think you have now. Such as, balance, ability to turn, do you feel like you're always falling backwards, etc. If you have specific trouble spots, it will be easier to find a solution.

I get my skates done at shop out east - check out their info on profiling as it's very informative.


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I can turn pretty good, suprisingly good compared to my overall skating level.

I just changed from CCM to Bauer, and I think that change alone has been a big improvement (although I am in much better fitted skates now too).

I just think I should probably get better before I do a profiling, I think I have much more work to do on the fundamentals before I start actually noticing specific problems. My overall balance needs to improve (I still have a penchant for tripping over the blueline when I try to take off after the quicker guys)

Thanks for the link though, it's very interesting

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