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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Comparing sticks

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I currently have a christian torch 85 flex tapered shaft. I love the tapered shaft combo, and christian has amazing costumer service, but id like to find a stick that has a little more kick. If i have to go the one piece route i will and id actually like to go that way at this point. I was looking at the vapor xxx lite but thats only an option if the durability issue that was occuring early was taken care of. I have heard many great things regarding performance, but i havent noticed, or didnt read the post where there were complaints about it being a complete twig. I realize its a top of the line stick so its mainly peformance but if its worthwhile id be willing to go that route. I have also be directed in the direction of the synergy st. Even the ST will obviously be a little more durable will the kick in the xxx lite make up for it? What makes it difficult is the fact that i cant afford to be buying sticks all the time, at most i could MAYBE by a second later in the season if my stick breaks. I also like the idea of the light grip coating on the xxx lite, how does that compare to the ST grip, and how would they compare during a game, a little wet or worn out over time. Any other comparisons between the two sticks, comments on durability of either, or any other stick recommendations that would be easy to access would be greatly appreciated. Even though as stated in multiple posts that I read in my navigation of the older posts, it doesn't matter what position you play in regards to the stick, i am going to put it out there that I am 6 foot 200lb defensemen.

thanks guys I know there are a lot of what stick should I get posts and I do realize it can get a little tiresome but I feel like I put up enough detail of what im looking for to justify a post.

thanks again


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Your a defensemen i assume you have a resonably hard slap shot

The grip on the xxx lite will peal off the ST grip is a great all around stick

I think that it would best suit your needs

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I'm going to look for sticks today, if I can get a decent deal on a Vapor XXX lite should I go for it?? What makes it more confusing is that I could probably get the same deal on the ST. I think I have a discount coupon that will definitely help. Also if I do go the Vapor XXX lite route, which will most likely break first blade or shaft? (im kinda looking to make it into a tapered if possible after the blade gets weak, i have heard that its not the best shaft since its a monocomp shaft.) I have read from various people that they have the xxx lite and love it and that they've been using it for quite some time now. It's just so confusing for me cause I can't afford to buy sticks all season no matter what I get, and im thinking that if they are both going to break i want to go with the one that will perform the best when i do have it, but the life of the stick would work in that aspect too, lol if you cant tell im running in circles with this whole deal.

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Personally, I would have to say jump on the Warrior bandwagon. The Dolomite I had was the best stick I have ever used, and the only reason it broke was because my one-timer sucks and I hit wayyy too much ice before I took the shot, so the blade split down the middle a la Synthesis blades. It was the second time I have broken a stick/blade on a one-timer, the first time being a Synthesis blade. The Dolomite has the most responsive blade out there IMO, and it impressed me so much I bought another blade for my L-2. So, I would have to say the Dolomite.

Oh yeah, it lasted me 4 months, through tryouts (skating upwards to 8 times a week), 2 games a weekend, and 2 practices in the week.

Hope this helps.

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to tel lyou the truth i think the best stick would be either the bauer endure if you can find it or the nikebauer VII just get the stick with 87 flex. the flex will give you the kick you want and those are the two most durable sticks. a lot of my friends around here stopped using the ST because they broke them constantly. The Nikebauersticks are the most durable for sure and they definitely have the best performance.

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to tel lyou the truth i think the best stick would be either the bauer endure if you can find it or the nikebauer VII just get the stick with 87 flex. the flex will give you the kick you want and those are the two most durable sticks. a lot of my friends around here stopped using the ST because they broke them constantly. The Nikebauersticks are the most durable for sure and they definitely have the best performance.

so you think the VII has the best performance?

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Get a TPS Adrenaline,XN10 or Response Plus. I used a Response Plus and Xn10s for almost two years and never had a shaft break. I usually had the blades on them last a good 2 months. Probably the best sticks I have used. Lately Ive been using RBKs(cracked 2 in a week in the same spot), XXX Lites, Easton CNT Stealths/SLs and I still find the XN10 had the best feel, performance, and durability.

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TPS has some really nice sticks, you can also find some missions that are nice for pretty good deals. The SL and lite aren't really durable and I wouldn't recommend them for anyone that can't afford a new stick every few weeks.

I'd look into the TPS redlites/Adrenaline, Easton SL/CNT stealth, Mission pulse or any high end mission stick, Bauer Endure/XX or XXX, Vector 8.0 or the v120/130. You also couldn't go wrong with good shafts like an ultralite, redlite, L-2, Dolomite, Innos, Flyweights, and I hear that Vapor XVs are nice too.

Today, composites are just sooo incredibly good. There's soo many good sticks that offer different feel to meet just about anyone's taste. For example, I hear plenty of people say that the XXXlite is the best stick they ever had and I can't stand it. I think it's a piece of garbage, the XXX were much better. To each their own, your best bet is to go and feel them in store and see if maybe they'd let you mess around with a smarthockey ball(those shops are few and far between but it's worth a shot) or something. Good luck.

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Yes, there is an XV shaft. In fact, I use one.

I actually had 5 stocked in my house, but sold them. Got a great deal, though!

Just watch the hockeygiant closeouts. The best deals out there!

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TPS R+ and xn10's have been tanks for me as well and have had great kick

CCM vectors have worked well for me too

If your looking for kick maybe you should wait for the 7v SickKick :P

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I just started using an SL grip 100. I've used 2005 synergy's, inno 1100's, and mission L-2's up till now. The SL grip is amazing. My wrist shot is so much better. The releas is quicker with much more velocity. Can't comment on durability yet.

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