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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What stick blades are these?

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Hi, I bought a box of replacement stick blades - curious what I have. Some are all black CCM - Boyes, Mair, HG17, I17 or Reebok all blue - Doell, Wideman, Gagnor, Reebok white/black, coated - T. Helbling.

Any one have an idea how to figure out what I have, there are more than these.


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What exactly are you trying to figure out? They're blades, that's part one. You have their brand names and pattern names. If you're asking what kinds of patterns they are...well that's a big load to tackle.

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Well I'd guess the Rbks are decent because they haven't been around long, but the CCMs could be older but could also be just as "new." The weird thing is the colour coding of the Rbks because the red/blue retail ones are the lowest models around, but I can't see why a pro would have them.

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Hi I will try get some pics up tonight. I have Clear wood - CCM, Koho, and Reebok. All black wood Koho and CCM. All blue wood CCM and Reebok. All Black wood Reebok. Composite- laminate coating - CCM silver/black - some say yz20, or FC and Reebok Composite laminate coating T. Helbling 5-0482-1.

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They are without a doubt pro stock. Any lefties you want to unload?, those Pro wood Blades from CCM/Koho/Rbk are probably the best ive ever used.

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Hi, I bought a box of replacement stick blades - curious what I have. Some are all black CCM - Boyes, Mair, HG17, I17 or Reebok all blue - Doell, Wideman, Gagnor, Reebok white/black, coated - T. Helbling.

Any one have an idea how to figure out what I have, there are more than these.


I know Helbling was one of the caps last cut at camps and will be in Hershey this year, not that that helps identify anything.

And this will not help either, but I thought he had a pretty good camp.

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What EXACTLY do you mean by "just curious what they are"??????????

If you mean are they pro stock, then yes, they are. You can verify that by looking at a CCM/RBK catalog (go to their websites) and if those blades and curve names are not listed, they're custom. Mair, Boyes, Helbling, etc. are all pro players, therefore you have pro blades.

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Ok, wanted to figure out what I bought. As I couldn't find anything about pro stock blades on the ccm website. All new to me pro stock blades. That's how this started as I didn't know what they were and what pro stock was.

If I put ccm pro stock blade or reebok pro stock blade in google I couldn't find anything.

So they were custom made for these players than?

Thanks for your help.

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