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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate sizing question

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I went yesterday and purchased a new pair of Tacks at my LHS yesterday, and was surprised that I sized out 1/2 size smaller than I would have thought. So having said that, would all the tacks line fit the same?

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I went yesterday and purchased a new pair of Tacks at my LHS yesterday, and was surprised that I sized out 1/2 size smaller than I would have thought. So having said that, would all the tacks line fit the same?

I strongly recommend to go by the CCM Fit Guide on CCM site at ccmsports.com

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I went yesterday and purchased a new pair of Tacks at my LHS yesterday, and was surprised that I sized out 1/2 size smaller than I would have thought.  So having said that, would all the tacks line fit the same?

I strongly recommend to go by the CCM Fit Guide on CCM site at ccmsports.com

While that might be a valuable resource, nothing is better than getting fitted properly by a trained professional.

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CCM changed the sizeing a little this year, have now idea why, maybe they wanted to discourage online buyers?.....

Myself and everybody else (who were fitted at the same LHS) that used last years vector pros & switched to the 10.0's this year have gone down a ½size.

went from 7½-7D, and it's been the general consensus according to guy who runs the shop.

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I went yesterday and purchased a new pair of Tacks at my LHS yesterday, and was surprised that I sized out 1/2 size smaller than I would have thought.  So having said that, would all the tacks line fit the same?

I strongly recommend to go by the CCM Fit Guide on CCM site at ccmsports.com

While that might be a valuable resource, nothing is better than getting fitted properly by a trained professional.

I would say the Fit Guide is pretty accurate and for an even better fit try the diffrent widths a 1/2 smaller than what it says and work your way up.

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I went yesterday and purchased a new pair of Tacks at my LHS yesterday, and was surprised that I sized out 1/2 size smaller than I would have thought.  So having said that, would all the tacks line fit the same?

I strongly recommend to go by the CCM Fit Guide on CCM site at ccmsports.com

While that might be a valuable resource, nothing is better than getting fitted properly by a trained professional.

Of course. The Fit Guide on CCM site is a good resource for online shopping.

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CCM changed the sizeing a little this year, have now idea why, maybe they wanted to discourage online buyers?.....

Myself and everybody else (who were fitted at the same LHS) that used last years vector pros & switched to the 10.0's this year have gone down a ½size.

went from 7½-7D, and it's been the general consensus according to guy who runs the shop.

Are you saying that all CCM models are sized 1/2 down or only new models? In other words, if Tacks 892 are now also sized differently from last year, and the LHS has last year's stock of 892 mixed with new stock, fitting could become really confusing. ???

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CCM changed the sizeing a little this year, have now idea why, maybe they wanted to discourage online buyers?.....

Myself and everybody else (who were fitted at the same LHS) that used last years vector pros & switched to the 10.0's this year have gone down a ½size.

went from 7½-7D, and it's been the general consensus according to guy who runs the shop.

It's a new model and even if it was built on the same last, the changes in the padding inside are likely to cause changes in skate sizing.

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