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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Know Your Dark Films?

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i got 11 so far but i totally guessed on a couple like pumpkin head and seven.

edit: i stopped at 18, its pretty hard but some are real obvious.

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I will go 5-0 later today.

How's that comin'?

5:50 in and I have 16 of them. This is a bigger bitch than I thought it'd be.

Edit: Finished in about 38mins or so but I was stuck on the last 10-15 for about half that time. I agree about the movies on the list though, there are a lot of questionable titles out there.

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There's definitely a list out there because when you finish you're prompted to put your initials in for a top score. The fastest times were all around 3mins or so.

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It's tough because the images aren't the best help, plus there are a lot of movies people haven't seen and/or just don't even belong in this genre.

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Well the first one it starts out zoomed into the state of Texas so I thought that would be the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but I typed it in and it says that it is wrong. So either Im spelling it wrong or Im just not a big enough movie buff.

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Any ones in particular or just all of them in general? They were definitely stretches there, especially the guys on the right side of the page.

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