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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Composite Curve

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I have done some searching and have almost come to the conclusion that you cannot chane the curve of your Composite stick. Is this really true.

I have a Salming TF-Evolution and I think I am the only person on the planet who loves that stick, but the curve on the blade is just a little too open on the toe. I am sure you all know what I am talking about. I don't wanna cut the whole blade off becuase I don't wanna affect the flex and feel of the stick. It really is great IMO. Is there anything else I can do. BTW South Florida is not so great for Hockey Experts or Pro Shops that know what they are doing, but then again I dont either.

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  kosydar said:
Maybe your search found nothing because you can't spell "custom".
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You obviously got the point and thank you for the help. I hope you are this helpful to everybody who needs help. Maybe this is why you are only an associate mod.

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  ssgtbb said:
  kosydar said:
Maybe your search found nothing because you can't spell "custom".
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You obviously got the point and thank you for the help. I hope you are this helpful to everybody who needs help. Maybe this is why you are only an associate mod.

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No, he's a mod because he's smart enough to use the search function on this forum and look at one of the many many many threads on this topic already.

He can spell custom too..

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Your right. There are a ton of threads on wooden blades. There were something like 200 threads. Not once in my hour of reading did I see a definitive answer. I can give you an example. No you cannot change the curve of this blade. or Yes you can change the curve this is how you do it. I know composite blade curves can be changed. I just wanna know if it can be done to my stick and how?

I know I am not that stupid and yes I misspelled "custom" I know some people would like to make me feel stupid rather then help me, but please I would really like to know if there is answer out there. If there is, I am sure that somebody here has it.

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  ssgtbb said:
I can give you an example. No you cannot change the curve of this blade. or Yes you can change the curve this is how you do it. I know composite blade curves can be changed. I just wanna know if it can be done to my stick and how?

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With a heat gun, then bend it.

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Trying to customize a composite blade will shorten the lifespan. It's a good stick and does have pretty good feel compared to a lot of the other sticks on the market.

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Actually, I heated and bent my triflex gold's blade about 2 years ago, and to my suprise - it didn't break. It was the shaft that broke first. But I'd say you rather leave your blade alone than bend it, it's quite risky. Do like chikinpotpie said, that will be a lot cheaper way to get a blade of your taste

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  Ville said:
Actually, I heated and bent my triflex gold's blade about 2 years ago, and to my suprise - it didn't break. It was the shaft that broke first. But I'd say you rather leave your blade alone than bend it, it's quite risky.
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Did the blade seem weaker at all?

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  pantherfan said:
  Ville said:
Actually, I heated and bent my triflex gold's blade about 2 years ago, and to my suprise - it didn't break. It was the shaft that broke first. But I'd say you rather leave your blade alone than bend it, it's quite risky.
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Did the blade seem weaker at all?

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No, it IMO became a bit stiffer. And I used it for two months with the bent blade, didn't detect any loosening. And as I said before, the shaft broke first.

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