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Payback is a b*tch JR!

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Darkstar: when was that article? I'd be interested in reading it. And the last person who should have given Damon a dirty look should have been Johnson. If any single FA pickup over the last few years has actually done their job it was Damon.

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Munson butted heads with Reggie in the beginning but ended up being great friends after that. Munson was trying to get Reggie to fly on the plane with him that day.

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Darkstar: when was that article?  I'd be interested in reading it.  And the last person who should have given Damon a dirty look should have been Johnson.  If any single FA pickup over the last few years has actually done their job it was Damon.

Found it , go to www.northjersey.com, link to columnists, go to Bob Klapsich, go to 10/9/06, Torre lost Touch with Players article. The link screwed up so this is the way to read it.

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How soon they forget.

Klapisch said the Yankees' lineup was the greatest in decades. Maybe ever. Really?

The 2003 Red Sox had more Hits, Runs, Doubles, Triples, Homers, RBI's, Batting Average and Slugging. The only meaningful category they trailed in slightly was BB's and On Base Percentage.

The 2004 Red Sox had more Hits, Runs, Doubles, Triples, Homers, RBI's, BB's and Slugging. They trailed slightly in Batting Average and On Base Percentage.

Now, it's possible that the splits would show if Abreu had been with the Yankees the whole season, they would have exceeded the Sox of just two years earlier, but it amazed me throughout the playoffs that they kept being referred to as possibly the greatest hitting team ever.

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Klapisch said the Yankees' lineup was the greatest in decades. Maybe ever. Really?

No doubt he was using hyperbole, but without reading the article I can only assume he meant that the lineup they had after Sheffield/Matsui came back was one of the greatest ever. Obviously the Yankees only had their "whole" lineup for a small sample space of games, so it's impossible to gauge their run productions against anybody else. And if Sheff-sui had been healthy, they wouldn't have bothered to get Abreu so.....

Anyways, this is a fun site that makes fun of bad baseball writers (although it's a tad too heavy on the sabr stats at times): http://firejoemorgan.blogspot.com

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How soon they forget.

Klapisch said the Yankees' lineup was the greatest in decades. Maybe ever. Really?

The 2003 Red Sox had more Hits, Runs, Doubles, Triples, Homers, RBI's, Batting Average and Slugging. The only meaningful category they trailed in slightly was BB's and On Base Percentage.

The 2004 Red Sox had more Hits, Runs, Doubles, Triples, Homers, RBI's, BB's and Slugging. They trailed slightly in Batting Average and On Base Percentage.

Now, it's possible that the splits would show if Abreu had been with the Yankees the whole season, they would have exceeded the Sox of just two years earlier, but it amazed me throughout the playoffs that they kept being referred to as possibly the greatest hitting team ever.

It wasn't just Abreu, it was Sheffield/Matsui/Cano not in that lineup for most of the season too. So if you added in Abreu and the other three for a whole season, they would have far eclipsed the Red Sox numbers.

And beyond that, he's not talking about just the numbers they put up. Calling it the best line up is also because 1-9, theres no one like them. Cano would hit top 3 on about 28 teams in MLB, but the Yankees he's #9. The best line up isn't because the numbers they put up, but because there isn't a single break for the pitcher in terms off a player capable of getting a big hit.

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How soon they forget.

Klapisch said the Yankees' lineup was the greatest in decades. Maybe ever. Really?

The 2003 Red Sox had more Hits, Runs, Doubles, Triples, Homers, RBI's, Batting Average and Slugging. The only meaningful category they trailed in slightly was BB's and On Base Percentage.

The 2004 Red Sox had more Hits, Runs, Doubles, Triples, Homers, RBI's, BB's and Slugging. They trailed slightly in Batting Average and On Base Percentage.

Now, it's possible that the splits would show if Abreu had been with the Yankees the whole season, they would have exceeded the Sox of just two years earlier, but it amazed me throughout the playoffs that they kept being referred to as possibly the greatest hitting team ever.

It wasn't just Abreu, it was Sheffield/Matsui/Cano not in that lineup for most of the season too. So if you added in Abreu and the other three for a whole season, they would have far eclipsed the Red Sox numbers.

And beyond that, he's not talking about just the numbers they put up. Calling it the best line up is also because 1-9, theres no one like them. Cano would hit top 3 on about 28 teams in MLB, but the Yankees he's #9. The best line up isn't because the numbers they put up, but because there isn't a single break for the pitcher in terms off a player capable of getting a big hit.

How do all of those outfielders play every day? Damon, Bernie, Sheff, Matsui, Abreu, Cabrera, it's too many every day guys and not enough bench players or pitching.

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Actually, now the latest is that Sheff is staying. I'd hate to see Bernie leave - I could handle him retiring but not playing for anyone else.

where do you think a-rod is going?

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Well, I think they will actively try to get rid of him, but at a hefty contract, a "damaged goods" label and him having a full no-trade clause, it's going to be hard.

THey're gonna have to find pitching.

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I agree, no one's going to take him and if they did it'd be in a deal where the Yankees eat up a lot of his contract.

The pitching is the obvious need but from where? I don't see them wanting to open up the payroll anymore.

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If A-Rod goes anywhere, the leading candidate is the Angels who have a ton of young arms they are willing to give up. However, I don't see Cashman sending A-Rod to the teams biggest post-season rival so far this century besides the Red Sox on the off chance that A-Rod plays well for them.

There's no way Bernie goes anywhere else. He'll either come back or retire.

I don't think they want Sheffield back as much as they don't want him to go to the Red Sox

Latest news is that Matsui will practice first base in the off-season and see how he does... apparently everyone will be getting a shot at that position and just shows how terrible Giambi is defensively

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I agree, no one's going to take him and if they did it'd be in a deal where the Yankees eat up a lot of his contract.

The pitching is the obvious need but from where? I don't see them wanting to open up the payroll anymore.

Expect that Japanese pitcher (Daisuke M-(something)) in pinstripes next year and the team to go hard after Zito since Johnson will miss spring training and part of the beginning of the season if he (90% likely) has surgery.

Wright will probably be kept around only because its just $3million more to keep him then buy him out. Personally, I'd just buy him out.

I'm trying to find a list of FA for this offseason to see who they'll add to the bullpen

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I have come to the sad realisation that Zito will be out of Oakland this year, but I think it's to the good NY team.

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I have come to the sad realisation that Zito will be out of Oakland this year, but I think it's to the good NY team.

Zito has said on local radio that he would love to pitch for the Yanks. One of his dreams or something like that.

Each year we lose a star from the A's, but each year they bring somebody else up from the minors. Giambi, Tejada, Hudson, Mulder.......now Zito.

Got to love "Money Ball"

Screw the Yankees.

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The pitching is the obvious need but from where?  I don't see them wanting to open up the payroll anymore.

Expect that Japanese pitcher (Daisuke M-(something)) in pinstripes next year

No guarentees that the Yankees will get Matsuzaka. Just for clarification, here's how the posting process works:

A) Teams send a blind bid to the MLB offices. So teams don't have the chance to trump one another. For example, if the Yankees bid 15 million, and the Dodgers do 18 million, the Yankees can't resubmit a bid.

B ) The team with the highest bid is given 30 days to negotiate a contract. If an agreement is struck, the bid is transfered to the Japanese team. If the two sides can't work out a contract, then no money is transferred (ie, the Dodgers wouldn't pay the 18 million).

C) If no contract is worked out, the player cannot be posted again for another year. In Matsuzaka's case, he's unrestricted after next year anyways.

The scary thing about Matsuzaka is that Scott Boras is his agent, and honestly Matsuzaka would stand to make a lot more money if he played in Japan for one year if I understand his situation correctly. If he's granted unrestricted free agency after 2007, he'd be on the open market to the highest bidder. But if he's posted, he can only negotiate with one team.

For example, the Mariners paid 13 million simply for the right to negotiate with Ichiro before giving him a 3 year, 14 million dollar deal. So to the Mariners, they were essentially paying a 3 year / 27 mil contract wheras Ichiro only saw half of that. Matsuzaka would be in a similar situation in that the winning team might bid 15+ million to negotiate, but be hesitant to give him 8+ mil per year on his contract.

But if he were to wait another year, he'd have all the usual big market teams tripping over themselves especially with no transfer fee involved. Jose Contreras got 4 years, 34 mil when he defected.

Should be interesting to see how this transpires.

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It wasn't just Abreu, it was Sheffield/Matsui/Cano not in that lineup for most of the season too.  So if you added in Abreu and the other three for a whole season, they would have far eclipsed the Red Sox numbers.

And beyond that, he's not talking about just the numbers they put up.  Calling it the best line up is also because 1-9, theres no one like them.  Cano would hit top 3 on about 28 teams in MLB, but the Yankees he's #9.  The best line up isn't because the numbers they put up, but because there isn't a single break for the pitcher in terms off a player capable of getting a big hit.

I don't think you realize how solid the 2003 Red Sox were: Baseball Reference 2003 Red Sox

Just as the Yankees had Cano batting ninth, Bill Mueller led the league in batting as the eighth batter for the Sox; and Mueller missed 10% of the season and still had 19 homers. Add one more and seven players would have had 20 HR's.

David Ortiz didn't play regularly until six weeks into the season, but ended up with 31 HR's and 101 RBI's. The Sox didn't realize how good he was and were playing Jeremy Giambi and Shea Hillenbrand above him, so Ortiz asked to be traded. Instead, they traded Hillenbrand for BY Kim, and Ortiz blossomed into a superstar.

(Let's face it, that team should have won the ALCS that year, except Grady Little choked under the pressure of "What will they say if I take Pedro out and we lose?" He had a three run lead with six outs to go, and he had three relievers (Embree, Timlin and Williamson) who had dominated the Yankees during that series (1 run over something like 10.2 innings). I remember talking about it on the phone with my friend while it was happening, and we came to the conclusion that we probably wouldn't bring Pedro out for the 8th, but if we did we'd tell him we'd pull him as soon as he gives up a base runner -- because at that point Pedro was a 100-pitch pitcher sitting at about 91 pitches after 7.)

Of course, all is forgiven after 2004, but the point I'm making is the Red Sox of 2003-2005 were the first team since the 1950's to lead the majors in scoring for three consecutive years. I have no problem giving the Yankees credit for having an outstanding line-up, but too many people forget how good the Sox line-ups were just three years ago.

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The pitching is the obvious need but from where?  I don't see them wanting to open up the payroll anymore.

Expect that Japanese pitcher (Daisuke M-(something)) in pinstripes next year

No guarentees that the Yankees will get Matsuzaka. Just for clarification, here's how the posting process works:

A) Teams send a blind bid to the MLB offices. So teams don't have the chance to trump one another. For example, if the Yankees bid 15 million, and the Dodgers do 18 million, the Yankees can't resubmit a bid.

B ) The team with the highest bid is given 30 days to negotiate a contract. If an agreement is struck, the bid is transfered to the Japanese team. If the two sides can't work out a contract, then no money is transferred (ie, the Dodgers wouldn't pay the 18 million).

C) If no contract is worked out, the player cannot be posted again for another year. In Matsuzaka's case, he's unrestricted after next year anyways.

The scary thing about Matsuzaka is that Scott Boras is his agent, and honestly Matsuzaka would stand to make a lot more money if he played in Japan for one year if I understand his situation correctly. If he's granted unrestricted free agency after 2007, he'd be on the open market to the highest bidder. But if he's posted, he can only negotiate with one team.

For example, the Mariners paid 13 million simply for the right to negotiate with Ichiro before giving him a 3 year, 14 million dollar deal. So to the Mariners, they were essentially paying a 3 year / 27 mil contract wheras Ichiro only saw half of that. Matsuzaka would be in a similar situation in that the winning team might bid 15+ million to negotiate, but be hesitant to give him 8+ mil per year on his contract.

But if he were to wait another year, he'd have all the usual big market teams tripping over themselves especially with no transfer fee involved. Jose Contreras got 4 years, 34 mil when he defected.

Should be interesting to see how this transpires.

I completely understand how the posting system works, and you're right... the Yankees will lose out because of money :rolleyes:

Mack, guessing you're an A's fan? I give an amazing amount of credit to that organization. It's absolutely incredible the amount of talent that comes up through that team. If they had a third the resources of the Yanks/Sox, they'd be in the ALCS every single year.

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Yup, sadly an A's and Braves fan so it's the worst of both worlds. Thanks for the credit although I have to admit it's horrible when they can't ever get past the ALCS. The series isn't over but with all the people second-guessing them for not starting Harden I don't know how well he can throw right now.

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Yup, sadly an A's and Braves fan so it's the worst of both worlds. Thanks for the credit although I have to admit it's horrible when they can't ever get past the ALCS. The series isn't over but with all the people second-guessing them for not starting Harden I don't know how well he can throw right now.

dont worry tragically im a Cubs fan. alot worse than the A's <_<

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True, there's no curse attached to the A's other than being poor but at least you guys now retain your superstars. Even when it's far too late to let them go.

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