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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Departed

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I still hadn't picked this up till today, when I saw the Best Buy packaging that is infinitely better than the other ones. Hopefully it still gets something tonight.

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Thanks, Lkpt - saw the movie today and knew exactly what was going to happen. :rolleyes:

But I bet you were still surprised when it happened!

Oh well. I suppose apologies are in order... :unsure:

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FIANLLY! Marty got the Oscar... didn't deserve it for this film, wasn't even in his top 5 movies, but its good to see the little wop win it.

Didn't deserve best picture either... even though I did love the movie.

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Plus Sullivan was impotent.

I don't buy that. If he was, then why was he happy when she told him she was pregnant. If he was impotent then he would have known it wasn't his.

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Well he was having ED and seemed really piffed about it. I still lol when Costigan drops the F bomb on him at the end.

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