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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Sharpening question

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I recently took up ice hoceky again after a two years off. I wanted to find out, when getting skates sharpened, how do you determine what hollow to get? I never did learn the difference. Is there a good article on the topic?


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your best bet is to just try differnt things out, when you get your skates sharpened next ask them what they do them at and then have them do them at something differnt the next time and just see what you like best.

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Start off at a 1/2" which is standard or close to the standard at most places. If you feel your blades are digging in too much then go up to 9/16" and see how you like it. If you feel like your blades are slipping out then you may want to more to a 7/16". Keep trying until you find the radius that works for you. Some places but not many will actually change the hollow by 1/32".

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I'm only 175 lbs and I use a 1" hollow. Start at either 1/2" or 5/8" and go from there. I started at a 1/2 when I came back from time off and then worked my way to an inch. I'm lovin' the shallow hollow now.

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Yeah, shallow is the way to go. I skated on 1" all last year. Just switched to 15/16" when I went to a new pair of skates with a smaller holder - found the 1" was just a tad to slippery on the new holders.

It's something you need to work your way up to otherwise you'll feel like your skating with tape on your blades. I was at 1/2", then went to 5/8' and kept creeping up until I was as flat as could be.

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your best bet is to just try differnt things out, when you get your skates sharpened next ask them what they do them at and then have them do them at something differnt the next time and just see what you like best.

Exactly! You never know what you'll like better until you try it. I use to like Andre' champagne until I tried DOm Peringon. :D

Start with 3/8 and then have your sharpener shallow it out a 32nd at a time. Keep on going shallower until you find you are having problems, then back off a 32nd. Bingo! Keep in mind ice conditions and temp play a big role, and you may have to adjust summer-winter, hard-soft ice, ect.

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