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muscles used for flexing stick

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what muscles are mainly used for flexing the shaft of a stick when shooting? i know technically all the muscles are used, but which should i concentrate on to gain shot strength? i specifically want to improve my wrist shot. thanks

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what muscles are mainly used for flexing the shaft of a stick when shooting? i know technically all the muscles are used, but which should i concentrate on to gain shot strength? i specifically want to improve my wrist shot. thanks

Just work out like you should be doing anyway and it will come. Shooting is a whole body movement.

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concentrate on shot technique. If your mechanics are wrong you will loose alot of power and accuracy. While you are out shooting alot of pucks you will also be working out the mucles to do it.

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if you want a better shot shoot more pucks. Your shot can get a lot better by just working on your stickhandling in your basement. Notice there's no one in the NHL who has great hands and a bad shot really. Then take notice of the players who can rip the puck and dangle like no other (Kovalev, Kovalchuk, Sakic, Ovechkin and so on)

If you want some basic excercises that will help, I recomend sledgehammer work, leveraging work, and chopping wood (or the woodchopper excercise with a med ball or something similar).

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the two simplest ones are sit ups and pull ups. You dont need to be doing to much bench pressing, your time can be spent better else where.

situps aren't good, do crunches instead.

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Funny you should ask. There is a guy named Dr Smushking that did a study and concluded that most hockey players have poor/tight arm/shoulder muscles, and that leads to weak/inacurate shots. He devised a funky device, it looks a little like a farmers scythe, that you rotate around over your head to loosen/exercise the muscles. Do not know if it works, or have ever seen anyone use it, but there is the scientific opinion.

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