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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone ever tried a Perfect Skater Harness?

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Has anyone ever tried one of these harnesses at www.perfectskater.com? Are they worth 100 bucks? They look like they'd be sweet but I wanna make sure before I drop 100 on one. Thanks.

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Beh... another expensive gimic that will get tossed into the closet after 10 minutes of use.

Edit: take that $100 and pay for some skate lessons if you think you have bad form.

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You can go to any fitness store and buy this for $20.00 in 4 different resistent levels. They are called Spri Xercuffs.

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You can go to any fitness store and buy this for $20.00 in 4 different resistent levels. They are called Spri Xercuffs.



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I used something similar off ice when rehabbing a hip flexor. I watched one of the videos on the site and from what I gather it looks as if this device will help strengthen the muscles used for skating. I don't see how it would help correct your form or technique.

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Has anyone ever tried one of these harnesses at www.perfectskater.com? Are they worth 100 bucks? They look like they'd be sweet but I wanna make sure before I drop 100 on one. Thanks.

I haven't, but I've tried the Hockey Shot leg trainer... (www.hockeyshot.com).. it's not for use on the ice, but it's a similar product. I bought one, and surely checked off adult, but they sent me the one with the intermediate rubber bands... lame. So then I had to order new bands, so I would actually get some strain.

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