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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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B Neal

White chin strap and helmet loops

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I have a white 480 cage and wanted a white chin strap and white loops that the chin strap attachs to to go along with it. I've seen people with these before but I wasn't really sure where I could find them. Any advice?

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well you need a chin strap, you need loops for all of the higher end helmets, you dont need loops for the bauer 1500, the chin strap goes right to the helmet.

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I have a white 480 cage and wanted a white chin strap and white loops that the chin strap attachs to to go along with it. I've seen people with these before but I wasn't really sure where I could find them. Any advice?

What kind of helmet do you have? You could try your LHS, most of them should have something in stock...

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I have a white 480 cage and wanted a white chin strap and white loops that the chin strap attachs to to go along with it. I've seen people with these before but I wasn't really sure where I could find them. Any advice?

What kind of helmet do you have? You could try your LHS, most of them should have something in stock...

I have a Bauer 4000

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