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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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This is what happens when you recruit at prisons.

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all those florida teams are just a bunch of thugs... especially the fsu criminals

We don't have this problem at the schools that look at grades before they give you a scholarship (Michigan and Notre Dame)

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We don't have this problem at the schools that look at grades before they give you a scholarship (Michigan and Notre Dame)

I agree, Meathead. It is just another instance where athletic ability is more important than intelligence. I can hardly wait until they all graduate (and I use that term cautiously) and become our next social role models. I wonder if these guys can even pass their 'Basket-Weaving 101' course.

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Players from both sides appeared to be swinging helmets, and one injured FIU player came onto the field swinging a crutch at Miami players.

that's a first.

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at what point did the crutch weilding maniac think that was a good idea...seriously he's on crutches did he really think he was going to be affective?

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Can't speak for Michigan but Notre Dame is pretty strict in terms of its athletes. They had Randy Moss and gave him the boot even though they were brutal then.

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For the same reason Oregon is playing Portland State in two weeks. We had a game scheduled that got cancelled at the beginning of the year. Its next to impossible to find fill in games against top teams. Besides, its as close to a guaranteed win as you'll get for Miami, plus its good for the FIU program.

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Can't speak for Michigan but Notre Dame is pretty strict in terms of its athletes.  They had Randy Moss and gave him the boot even though they were brutal then.

Yes, but Notre Dame dumped Moss because he was charged with two counts of battery, not because he didn't cut the academic snuff. Notre Dame may (or may not) be better about getting "high character" players than other teams, but then again even *FSU* saw fit to cut him (supposedly for smoking pot), so there's a pretty bad apple here. Something about Moss makes me willing to bet he had pretty crummy academics compared to every ND student not on an athletic scholarship.

By the way, didn't Notre Dame offer him a full ride in 1995 ? If I recall they weren't yet brutal then.

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Why is a team like Miami playing a team like FIU in the middle of the season?

A lot of teams with national title aspirations will schedule games against a few relative non-conference weaklings to bolster their record (I'm not sure if this practice is less common with the BCS computer rankings taking into account strenght of schedule). Notre Dame is an exception, as an independent they don't get to play conference weaklings, but they usually schedule a lot of very tough games against prominent teams. They've taken flak from their alumni in the past because their schedule makes it very difficult for them to win a title. This year for instance they get Michigan and USC. They do play Army/Navy/Air Force but that can't be held against them as these are traditional games.

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Yeah, he played for UM during the real thug years.

FIU's program is about 5 years old. It's a small commuter school in SW Miami. The football program is mainly comprised of Miami high school players who weren't good enough to be considered for big programs. It'll be interesting to see if they continue playing each other after this.

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