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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I had this dream last night that I left my gloves and stick unattended and when I came back someone had stolen them.

I snapped my OPS last night. I'm wondering if that's been influencing my subconscience.

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I had this dream last night that I left my gloves and stick unattended and when I came back someone had stolen them.

I snapped my OPS last night. I'm wondering if that's been influencing my subconscience.

Thats cute. Let me send that into the cartoon section in the USA magazine.

Then all the little kids can reply back and tell you their nightmares of lost tape.

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You wanna talk about nightmares?

I had a dream that I was drilling Jessica Simpson - and she would NOT STOP TALKING!


That, for sure, is a hell of a nightmare.

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You wanna talk about nightmares?

I had a dream that I was drilling Jessica Simpson - and she would NOT STOP TALKING!


That, for sure, is a hell of a nightmare.

I'd say that would more likely to be Rachel Ray who won't shut her yap!

I'd bet jessica simpson's a dead lay anyways.

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this may sound stupid but i have had nightmares before that i was late to my games and for some reason i forgot my equipment

I'm no expert, but those dreams are probably anxiety related. I too have recurring dreams where I'm running late to a game. Strangely enough, I never end up making it to the game and end up waking up before ever stepping on the ice in those.

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I had this dream last night that I left my gloves and stick unattended and when I came back someone had stolen them.

I snapped my OPS last night. I'm wondering if that's been influencing my subconscience.

If that's your idea of a nightmare, you lead one blessed life!

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