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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Windows XP Problems

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I'm having some computer problems. My Dell laptop won't start windows because Windows\System32\Config\sytem is "missing or corrupt" I've tried starting Windows Setup with the CD but I can't seem to Repair or format the installation without the "missing or corrup" line popping up. I have no idea what happened, I left my computer on while I let the anti-virus program run through the files and when I came back my screen was black with a blinking cursor on the upper left corner.

Can any body lend some insight?

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Get an Apple

--Vapor, 2004-2006

In all honesty I have no clue but I remember a similar problem with my wife's PC and nothing would load, not even off of the boot disk. Sent it in to a nerd to look at and they determined it was a virus that ate it up. I'm curious as to see what any answers though because her PC's acting up again.

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Can you get to a boot menu? Try hitting f8 when powering the laptop up, and select "boot to last known working ..." If you can get to that point, and the computer boots up, try restoring it to a previous date.

If you're still having trouble, send me a PM and I'll see if I can go a little more in depth.

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What ever happened to Vapor

From what I remember, he's always been a pretty "streaky" poster - he'll be around the board for a few weels at a time, then he'll disapear for a month or two...this goes back to the older boards, as well.

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try to master reset the computer and then download the software again what kasparaitis said should work too. a virus is the most likely cause that the computer screwed up u could google for those types of viruses and they should have solutions to fix that

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All you have to do is run the Windows XP CD but not in Windows, you have to boot from it! (Press whatever key to boot from your CD on startup). Then choose Install windows, not repair.... Then they will ask you if you want to install a new copy of windows or repair and older one. Choose repair. Windows will bring back all of it's original files back in place but won't touch your files!

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All you have to do is run the Windows XP CD but not in Windows, you have to boot from it! (Press whatever key to boot from your CD on startup). Then choose Install windows, not repair.... Then they will ask you if you want to install a new copy of windows or repair and older one. Choose repair. Windows will bring back all of it's original files back in place but won't touch your files!

Nope, that's what I meant by when I said

I've tried starting Windows Setup with the CD but I can't seem to Repair or format the installation without the "missing or corrup" line popping up.

But thanks for the suggestion :)

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Not this time around he isn't. I think he got the pink slip which is actually quite suiting.

What did he do??

I think it was something vapor posted in the croc hunter thread maybe, got a couple links deleted I guess. It doesn't say banned under vapor's av, so who knows.

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Not this time around he isn't. I think he got the pink slip which is actually quite suiting.

What did he do??

I think it was something vapor posted in the croc hunter thread maybe, got a couple links deleted I guess. It doesn't say banned under vapor's av, so who knows.

Yeh me and him posted some pictures of Steve Urwin(sp?) and some people actually took it very seriously and started bitching, then Ponty I think took them down then I think Vapor put some more up.

And for the record I'm a croc hunter fan and didn't mean any offence but I guess some people just think I should go to hell. :D

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