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how to make a girl friend?

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Just try to become friends. And work from there

tried to be a friend. But there is no matched block (I meant lunch block). Only except at the chemistry class. Jeez. I realised how shy I am.

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man up, ask for her number and become friends with her outside of school, worst case is she says no and everyone forgets about it by next week....

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Just try to become friends.  And work from there

tried to be a friend. But there is no matched block (I meant lunch block). Only except at the chemistry class. Jeez. I realised how shy I am.

Dont have to be at lunch does it? And Chemistry, be her partner in stuff. Try to get in her group and then that way she'll at least know who you are.

If your lucky you can pull "I think we need to work outside of school to finish this up"

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Like flood said your gonna have to man up. At least try talking to her. If shes acctually some you will like she'll be easy to talk to. Dont get yourself so rapped up in her, shes just a girl.

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one way to think about it is... if she doesn't wanna go out with you than she must be a lesbian...it's a good way to think so the pain of being shot down doesn't hurt as bad.

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just talk to her and dont be a pussy about it.

a girl can sense when you are afraid.

and plus, if you really like a girl, you wont be very shy to her.

act like yourself too.

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Just remember that backing off and playing it cool can be just as important as getting her attention. Otherwise you might as well draw or paste some hair on your hand and add a touch of lipstick

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Make? You need to cut out pictures from magazines, feed them into your computer disk drive and then spill Coke all over it. I think that's how they did it in Weird Science.

Plan B: Score lots of goals and then make sure she hears about how much of a hockey stud you are. Chicks think that's the tops.

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Otherwise you might as well draw or paste some hair on your hand and add a touch of lipstick

I see you had time to think this threw. Lonely much???

side note. Just joking don' get offended.

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Get her MSN address. When you are shy it is sometimes easier to start conversations with IM. If you need a reason to get her MSN ask her if you can have it to get chemistry homework/ask questions. Even if that is obviously a "story" it will be ok. Actually, it might even be better as it sends her a signal that you like her without you having to take the risk of declaring your interest.

I know this is impossible; don't beat yourself up for being shy... it only makes it worse. It's natural to be even more shy than normal when you like someone because it feels a whole lot riskier.

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I see you had time to think this threw. Lonely much???

side note. Just joking don' get offended.

Ho never talks back!! Just gotta stay away from Affleck...damn taco flavored kisses

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I'm too shy to ask for it. What can I do? Any Ideas?

just listen to Robby Roadsteamer songs... haha. and the rest will come naturally..


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