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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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how to make a girl friend?

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your best bet if you flat out can't talk to her is to talk to her friends. try to spend time with the loud month ones, you know the ones who can’t keep a secret. that way you might get lucky and she'll tell you her friend likes you. you could also tell her that you like her friend knowing full well she won't be able to keep her mouth shut. it's sneaky but when you don't have the balls to do it yourself find a scapegoat B)

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1. Confidence is key. Once I figured this out it was all easy. If she says no move on.

2. Watch that pickup artist show on VH1. If he can teach those guys game you can learn also.

3. Don't forget #1

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No, I just think anyone over the age of 12 shouldn't have a "y" at the end of their name.

Thank you, someone needed to say this...one of my cousins is in his mid-20s and still goes by the name "Timmy".

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1. Confidence is key. Once I figured this out it was all easy. If she says no move on.

2. Watch that pickup artist show on VH1. If he can teach those guys game you can learn also.

3. Don't forget #1

Yea big furry hats are keys to picking up women. That an eyeliner on a guy :)

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I asked her for prom today. I know it's early but I believe I did my best.

so what was the answer? great if it's a yes and at least you don't have to stay up thinking about what could of been if it was a no.

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Good luck with that man.

I asked her for prom today. I know it's early but I believe I did my best.

so what was the answer? great if it's a yes and at least you don't have to stay up thinking about what could of been if it was a no.

If it was a no, wouldn't you feel bad if a friend said to you, "Well think of what could have happened between you two". Not trying to start an argument or anything, just saying the way i read it was kind of like making him think about it more than he might want to

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Hey he asked her and thats gotta be commended because I think most guys in H school (at least around here) are either scared shitless of women or talk too much shite around them. Eitherway its lose lose.

Remember Sean Connery said it best.... "Losers always whine about their best, winners go home and **** the Prom Queen"

Works for Hockey and asking out girls.

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He said he was early; what he didn't say was that he was so early that it's almost a little creepy. Honestly, NOT the way I would have gone about getting things done...but then again, I've been tied-down to the same girl for about three years now, so it's been awhile since I had to "hunt" for my "food" and my game might be a bit off.

...as long as you tell me that you didn't ask her via note-passing, you might be okay.

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Good luck with that man.

I asked her for prom today. I know it's early but I believe I did my best.

so what was the answer? great if it's a yes and at least you don't have to stay up thinking about what could of been if it was a no.

If it was a no, wouldn't you feel bad if a friend said to you, "Well think of what could have happened between you two". Not trying to start an argument or anything, just saying the way i read it was kind of like making him think about it more than he might want to

i understand what your trying to say but for me i would rather get rejected now then to never ask and wonder the rest of my life. there is nothing worse then sitting there waiting for someone who you know won't be yours if you don't ask. you'll end up waiting for them, just them because in your mind waiting in itself is enough.

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Good luck with that man.

I asked her for prom today. I know it's early but I believe I did my best.

so what was the answer? great if it's a yes and at least you don't have to stay up thinking about what could of been if it was a no.

If it was a no, wouldn't you feel bad if a friend said to you, "Well think of what could have happened between you two". Not trying to start an argument or anything, just saying the way i read it was kind of like making him think about it more than he might want to

i understand what your trying to say but for me i would rather get rejected now then to never ask and wonder the rest of my life. there is nothing worse then sitting there waiting for someone who you know won't be yours if you don't ask. you'll end up waiting for them, just them because in your mind waiting in itself is enough.

Damn that was deep. And a very good point brought up

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Seriously I know a guy who has to be the prime example of the waiting game gone out of hand.

His last girlfriend just had a kid with another guy, and he's still waiting for her.

When we bug him about the issue his reply is "she's the love of my life".

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Those are the kinds of guys you end up reading about in the papers when cops go to his house later and find hair dolls and weird shrines.

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Hooah's right that it's all about confidence, so how do you get the confidence? The simple answer is by understanding that if this girl doesn't appreciate your peculiar charms, another girl will. If one girl feels the two of you are not a good fit, don't take it personally, just find another girl to catch your fancy.

I've had a lot of women over the years catch my fancy, yet nothing happened. It seemed disappointing at the time, but later, when I looked at them objectively and not with emotion, I'm glad nothing happened.

So ask the girl. If she says 'yes', that's great. If she says 'no', it's not as bad as you think.

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