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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Koho is Dead


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So how many little kids here like to vandalize peoples property for fun? My neighborhood got vandalized very badly with pumpkins this past weekend, pumpkins broke through windshields, headlights and broke off side mirrors. Just about every other car was hit.

Mine wasnt thankfully, but we are never parking cars outside our house again, especially around halloween time.

If kids really dont have anything better to do then vandalize other people's things, they should be punished to the furthest degree.

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One night in HS we stole about 150 jack o'lanterns and stacked them all up on a side street as a barricade. We even bought some extra candles so they were all lit up at the same time. It was actually a somewhat impressive display.

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One night in HS we stole about 150 jack o'lanterns and stacked them all up on a side street as a barricade. We even bought some extra candles so they were all lit up at the same time. It was actually a somewhat impressive display.

Thats still mischief Chadd...although creative, and somewhat artsy...still mischeif.

Got pictures?

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One night in HS we stole about 150 jack o'lanterns and stacked them all up on a side street as a barricade. We even bought some extra candles so they were all lit up at the same time. It was actually a somewhat impressive display.

Thats still mischief Chadd...although creative, and somewhat artsy...still mischeif.

Got pictures?

I wish I had pics, we just tried to avoid having evidence that could get us in more trouble. A couple people stopped and went around the block until one of the rednecks rammed through in his F150. He's lucky we were just being fun and didn't put something dangerous in the middle.

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One night in HS we stole about 150 jack o'lanterns and stacked them all up on a side street as a barricade. We even bought some extra candles so they were all lit up at the same time. It was actually a somewhat impressive display.

Thats still mischief Chadd...although creative, and somewhat artsy...still mischeif.

Got pictures?

I wish I had pics, we just tried to avoid having evidence that could get us in more trouble. A couple people stopped and went around the block until one of the rednecks rammed through in his F150. He's lucky we were just being fun and didn't put something dangerous in the middle.

What, the lit candles weren't "dangerous" ?

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One night in HS we stole about 150 jack o'lanterns and stacked them all up on a side street as a barricade. We even bought some extra candles so they were all lit up at the same time. It was actually a somewhat impressive display.

Thats still mischief Chadd...although creative, and somewhat artsy...still mischeif.

Got pictures?

I wish I had pics, we just tried to avoid having evidence that could get us in more trouble. A couple people stopped and went around the block until one of the rednecks rammed through in his F150. He's lucky we were just being fun and didn't put something dangerous in the middle.

What, the lit candles weren't "dangerous" ?

One Oct/Nov it got really cold before the city got around to coming around and picking up leaves, so we decided to freeze some blocks of ice under the piles of leaves and then spray down the leaves themselves. We also built and froze ice walls blocking the school parking lot a few times. Small town + not much to do + booze = "harmless" fun.

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One night in HS we stole about 150 jack o'lanterns and stacked them all up on a side street as a barricade. We even bought some extra candles so they were all lit up at the same time. It was actually a somewhat impressive display.

Thats still mischief Chadd...although creative, and somewhat artsy...still mischeif.

Got pictures?

I wish I had pics, we just tried to avoid having evidence that could get us in more trouble.

How true is that. Two years ago, after our first big snowstorm, some of the seniors decided to pull their senior prank. They got most of the snow from the walkways and piled it up on every door that ha entrance to the school. They took pictures of it, and then broke one of the windows to the school, and it just so happened it was right in front of a security camera. I wasn't involved, but my cousin's friend sent her pictures which she forwarded to me.





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Where they really screwed up was breaking the window. We would have just poured water onto the pile to make it freeze into ice. The worst thing they will do is make you remove it yourself and no criminal charges are files. At least that's how it was when I was in school. They might get pissed but they understood what a harmless prank really was.

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my freinds and i were bored about a month ago,so we started throwing these berries over the fence at their neighbors house.the berries splatter and leave a mess, but arent hard enought to break a window. another one of my freinds decided to throw a tomato at the house,well he hit a window and the lady opened it and yelled at the wrong kid.

(in a weird foreign voice)

she was like "arex , why you frow berries" then he was like it wasnt me, she said "arex u big riah, i saw you frow berries" she threatened to call the cops so we ran off.

nothing ever ended up happeneing, but we yell things over the fence at the people all the time.

harmless pranks and vandalism is FUN!

it washed off easy so it really wasnt that big of deal.

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By "weird foreign" I assume you mean Asian? I agree pranks are funny, especially ones by God that result in an entire state having Down Syndrome.

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By "weird foreign" I assume you mean Asian? I agree pranks are funny, especially ones by God that result in an entire state having Down Syndrome.

no i think shes from jordan...but u get the picture

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By "weird foreign" I assume you mean Asian?  I agree pranks are funny, especially ones by God that result in an entire state having Down Syndrome.

no i think shes from jordan...but u get the picture

Oh Jesus, I hope you're related to 'Duddits' from the movie Dreamcatcher.

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Man, hallowe'en was awesome in High school. We'd pour water down the alleys, pour gasoline over that and light it to make a wall of fire. We also had a potato cannon and were shooting random stuff. Add in the fireworks, a car, tape + sparklers, molotovs, and a healthy disregard for life and limb and you have the best day of the year.

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I didnt do anything last night since I had hockey from 8:30-10:15 and it was pretty quiet around here.

We either call it Mischief or Hell Night.

When I was younger I used to do alot of pretty bad stuff, but I kind of grew out of the tradition.

I know one of my friends did spraypaint the side of a pretty new VW Jetta from what I hear, which is really messed up.

Not really a mischeif night prank, but a bad one at least:

A couple weeks ago, about 8 of my friends and some other kids decided to make a bomb threat with a school map and then place it on the door where the principal goes in to school. They did this so they could have the day off and play baseball all day. Well they did it right in front of a camera and now they are expelled and they all have FBI records. Even though they were all 17, the only 18 yr old was the only one given jail time. The others only got probation and community service. Probably one of the dumbest things Ive ever seen happen.

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I know one of my friends did spraypaint the side of a pretty new VW Jetta from what I hear, which is really messed up.

that is taking it too far.

property damage is a crime and that is reallly mean too.

that is like putting bologna on a car

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