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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates need a "special" Cleaning

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So, the carbon Fiber on the bottom of my Vapor XV's broke and the skate's tuuk twists a little, but it was managable until....

i left them at a nearby ice rink, and when i got them the next day, someone had pissed in my left skate.

yes, thats right, someone urinated in my skates.

Good news: My father bought me a new pair and im up and running.

Bad news: since i was getting new ice skates anyways, i was gonna put a chassis on the Vapors and make them my roller skates.

So, my question is....

Does anyone know the best way to get the urine smell out of the skates? ive soaked them in vinegar, water, soap, and even dog urine de-smeller(word?).

Nothing has cleared it up, so i was wondering if i shud invest in Esporta.... is it worth it?

Will it get the smell completly out so i might actually put them on my feet again?

Would u reccomend using them even after i get them cleaned professionally?

I really loved the skates and was looking forward to the new roller skates.... but i will not put my foot into a skate that smells like piss... think of the stench and the bacteria growing in them.....

any help would be appreciated.


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esporta has worked on my other equipment excluding helmet and skates (both were new at the time and didn't need cleaning). it worked wonders on my shin pads and my elbow pads. but yea, i feel bad for you. i can't understand how someone would piss in someone else's good skate. whats the world coming to?

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Fill up the skate with ice cold water and add a few tablespoons of baking soda OR

Fill the skate with coffee grounds, and put it in to the freezer for an hour or two...

This works well on moulded protein shaker bottles :blink:

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1. No im actually well liked (i think) so im sure it was just a random act of some jerk.

2. I used lots of pet cleaner.... paint stripper... idk (was that a joke?)

3. Yes, ill be getting new insoles, but the rest of the skate needs to be sanitary too.

4. Coffee idea sounds good too, but first ill need to get them sanitized, because i dont wanna get infections because of the bacteria growing in there.

Any more help would be greatly appreciated.

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4. Coffee idea sounds good too, but first ill need to get them sanitized, because i dont wanna get infections because of the bacteria growing in there.

Believe it or not, some people use urine as a treatment for infections, among other ailments. So maybe the urinator was actually trying to help you out . ;)

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a kid at my rink got his whole bag peed and shit on in the locker room during a practice, luckily he had his gear on. he just threw away his bag and the stuff inside it. it wasnt worth it to keep everything.

if i were you i would use a sani-sport machine and every known method to clean them. just the thought of skating in the urine skates is nasty.

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4. Coffee idea sounds good too, but first ill need to get them sanitized, because i dont wanna get infections because of the bacteria growing in there.

Believe it or not, some people use urine as a treatment for infections, among other ailments. So maybe the urinator was actually trying to help you out . ;)

Theres always that home cure of peeing on your feet if you have athletes foot. :P

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just the thought of skating in the urine skates is nasty.

Anybody who surfed in a wetsuit wouldn't care that much. There are days in cold water where it seems nothing could feel as good as peeing in your wetsuit.

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did you leave your skates at your rink to get then fixed?

if so,id ask to lookat their cameras becuase you might find the person who did it, or just ask around.. someone may spill the info

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no, i just left them on a shelf by the counter. They were found down in a locker room when i got them back.

and i cant check the security cameras, because they dont have them...

which sucked cause my iPod got stolen outta the locker room while i was playing a game, and the year before that, our team had everyones wallets gone through

really, the only bad things that have happened to me have happened at this rink.

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