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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Justin 1933

Sitting in Hong Kong Airport

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So I am sitting in the EVA Air lounge right now, passing time before I return home to LA. I am so sick of traveling (especially to ASIA by yourself)....

The weather is surprisingly nice, and I can actually see the sun (something that is rare in these parts)....When I finally get home tomorrow night, I will have been traveling for over 26 hours....

Good news is I am very close to finishing a new skate prototypes...I think the hockey world will be happy when they see these...

Also, just finished a new line of goalie for roller and some new roller pants...

Just trying to pass some time....


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Ah...I had some issues yesterday and I called for ya and they told me where you were...

I guess I'll have to ask you if there were any changes to the "()*$)(*#$" line... :)

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Good thing im a code breaker for the US Government. JR is speaking of the new Mission Ping pong line. Feauturing the all new 195.00 Mission Whip, which comes standard with carbon fibre handle, and composite face.

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I think the reference to Hong Kong is a key clue... obviously there is a high concentration of advanced consumer electronics over there, and developments often ahead of other markets.. therefore its fair to assume the ping pong line is gonna be computer driven and controlled. I heard something about auto vibration control and reduction!! :ph34r:

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The goalie on my team has Mission pads, not sure of the model but they might be Motion Lites. Anyway during the warmup last game I did a low slapshot standing still from the blue line and it hit him right on the knee protector (the square thing that pops up when the goalie goes down) and it stung him pretty badly. Maybe there should be a little more protection the the future versions of the pad. Is that being improved?

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When I was in China on the All-American Ping-Pong team, I just loved playing ping-pong with my Mission ping-pong paddle...everyone knows it isn't true, but Mama said it was just a little white lie so it wasn't hurtin' nobody.

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You should try some Melatonin (SP). it is a supplement that you can buy at any nutrition store. It helps you go to sleep. I use it when i have a late game at 11pm or something and it helps me calm me down from playing in the game earlier and making it easier to goto sleep.

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I've come to terms with the fact that I can't sleep on planes, even at night. So being the electronics whore that I am, I just watch DVDs, listen to my iPod, or play my GBA.

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