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Saddam Hussein

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Yeh I also mis-read this several times :D

The former Iraqi dictator and six subordinates were convicted and sentenced for the 1982 killings of 148 people in a single Shiite town after an attempt on his life there.

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By hanging him he will become a martyr, but if he is left to die in prison, his extremist followers will continue in his name. Its a catch-22 situation. After what he has done, he does not deserve dignity, and as harsh as that sounds, its true.

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By hanging him he will become a martyr, but if he is left to die in prison, his extremist followers will continue in his name. Its a catch-22 situation. After what he has done, he does not deserve dignity, and as harsh as that sounds, its true.

They never wanted him to die in prison. If that were the case, he would have been brought up for crimes against humanity in the World Court in The Hague.

This was always about killing him, which is why it was kept in Iraq.

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I think they should air the hanging.

Well, if its like some of the other countries in the region, it will be a public hanging, so there will probably be footage of it at sometime.

However because of the divide among the people, it may be more likely to have it done in private

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I think they should air the hanging.

i dont think it will be aired, but im sure some pics will come out of this event. if its a public hanging, their may be a possibility of some videos

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I can't believe they still do hangings... then again, if anyone was to deserve it, he's on the list.

Not everyone has our little hang up over "cruel and unusual punishment"

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It'll be years before he gets the rope, so dont get too happy.

Good.. that will give the internet a while to evolve into something that can offer it to my viewing pleasure in more innovative ways than now :)

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It'll be years before he gets the rope, so dont get too happy.

Actually most reports say they have to follow through within a couple months, they don't have the same appeals process that we do.

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The ruling will go straight to an appeal panel and they have an unlimited time to review the case. If the ruling stands then the execution is required to happen within 30 days. Wouldn't surprise me to see them zip through the appeal process though.

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i bet 30 mins after he gets hanged the video will be up on the internet

maybe even sooner

then the riots and stuff will start - i think the people over there are just looking for a reason to go out and cause trouble

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