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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crazy Lecavalier pic....

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His old sticks were in the 100-105 range, that could have changed. Keep in mind he's quite a bit stronger and bigger than the average kid who walks into a hockey shop and picks up a 100 flex. Vinny spends some legit time with a personal trainer in the offseason, he's no longer that wiry 18 year old kid who might have tipped 175 on a good day.

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Im almost positive the stick of his I saw was Stiff Flex.

The stick isnt really flexing that much at all either, Kovalchuks stick flexed more than that in the game I was watching last night.

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Im almost positive the stick of his I saw was Stiff Flex.

The stick isnt really flexing that much at all either, Kovalchuks stick flexed more than that in the game I was watching last night.

Yeah i saw that after the game during the recap when they paused it right before one of his one-timer goal? That was insane i couldnt believe that...

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Is Lecavalier taking a slap shot or a wrist shot. I can't tell.

by the hight of his back foot, id say wrist

yeah, also, his left hand is too high up for a slapper...

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Yep, that's definitely a wrist or snap shot (probably picking the top corner) in the warm up.

Anyway, from a photography point of view, I like how that picture was taken from the catwalk directly above Lecavalier... and using strobes, to get a snapshot with the stick flexing... WOW, that took some timing skill!

Also, I think in the main menu of NHL07 (for PS2) there's a picture taken directly above Ovechkin shooting.

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