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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crazy Lecavalier pic....

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i wouldnt think so because it says warrior at the top of the shaft i think martin halvat does the same thing i dont know why though

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i wouldnt think so because it says warrior at the top of the shaft i think martin halvat does the same thing i dont know why though

i didnt mean the whole stick, meant the bottom of it. I take it he does?

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I was at a habs game and i got chris higgins stick, when i brought it home i flexed it, it felt like an eighty-five flex...its also a vapor xxx lite with the blade removed and a wooden one put in its place

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I was at a habs game and i got chris higgins stick, when i brought it home i flexed it, it felt like an eighty-five flex...its also a vapor xxx lite with the blade removed and a wooden one put in its place

You can't just remove the blade on an XXXlite

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sweet vapor xxx-lite not to jack the thread but for chris higgins vapor xxx-lite two piece Jesse_JMK could you post some pics ive known he has been using a two-piece vapor xxx-lite for a while i would just like to know if its custom made or is it actually something else painted over

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I was at a habs game and i got chris higgins stick, when i brought it home i flexed it, it felt like an eighty-five flex...its also a vapor xxx lite with the blade removed and a wooden one put in its place

You can't just remove the blade on an XXXlite

Pro stock shaft for Higgins then. Damn those pro's!

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