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Renfrew CMP Gold tape

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This tape is supposed to be designed for use on one piece sticks, because they have an added cushion to give you better feel for the puck. They're supposed to be thicker and not wear out as much. Anyone seen or tried it?

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I guess. I'm not planning on buying it myself, I was just curious.

What I use now is a tape similar to friction tape, but thicker, and I just put two strips on each side then tape over it. Seems to be working fine.

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I don't see how it could make that much more of a difference. I think putting a couple strips of duct tape would have more of an affect.

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Guest phillyfan

I've always taken a strip of duck tape and put it parallel to the top and bottom of the blade, then rapped normal tape around it.

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I haven't heard about the Renfrew stuff, but the Sportstape IMO is not as good as Jaybird. JR sent me a few rolls of Sportstape a few months ago, and I did not think it helped anything at all with cushioning.

They're supposed to be thicker and not wear out as much.
Sportstape wears out extremely fast...

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You know what, Ethan...

Nobody I know has had that problem. Jay seems to love the stuff...and the Nashville Predators players didn't like it because it was too tough...

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I dunno. I don't have any left, but I know it would wear through about 2 inches wide on the bottom of the blade for me by the end of every practice. I even overlapped it so it was like having two layers on, and it still wore through. Jaybird doesn't do that for me, and it feels about the same in terms of cushioning as Sportstape.

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anyone know where to buy cases of sportstape online?

Ebay is where i get my tape. only complaint is that the "white" isn't white. But I mostly use navy so it's not a big deal with me, but it may bug others.

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Ebay is where i get my tape. only complaint is that the "white" isn't white. But I mostly use navy so it's not a big deal with me, but it may bug others.

Does it have a bit of a yellow tone? Where on ebay, do you buy from a specific seller?

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Sportstape cloth tape is an off-white but it's not any worse than most companies.

BTW, that eBay seller is Stick Fix Texas South. That's where I get my tape also.

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Does it have a bit of a yellow tone? Where on ebay, do you buy from a specific seller?

it has a hint of grey/yellow to it. its not the white of regular cloth tape. maybe i got a bad batch. this is the only seller i buy from/only seller that has it.

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Is Sportstape the super thin and smooth stuff? I just bought a roll of wide white from Hockey Giant yesterday and it's awful. I can't recall the brand (it's not the old Comp-o-stick Gear stuff they used to have), but I thought it might have been Sportstape.

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Sportstape cloth tape is an off-white but it's not any worse than most companies.

BTW, that eBay seller is Stick Fix Texas South. That's where I get my tape also.

Any chance that I could get a link. I can't seem to find the seller.

And thanks for all the help guys!!

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Any chance that I could get a link. I can't seem to find the seller.

And thanks for all the help guys!!

tamtag posted a link to the seller.

Ebay is where i get my tape. only complaint is that the "white" isn't white. But I mostly use navy so it's not a big deal with me, but it may bug others.

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I don't know about the 1.5" and 1" difference in tape but there is definitely a difference between the black cloth and white cloth tape. The black cloth tape is fragile, it cleanly tears when taping like normal... you have to be gentle with it, I've never seen any hockey tape like that before.

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