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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ak-27 blade removal

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Anyone have any advice on removing an ak-27 blade from an ak-27 shaft. I'll admit it was actually a pretty tight squeeze getting it in there - but removing it has proven to be almost impossible.

Anyone have any tips, advice, etc?


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If you don't have an endplug in (or just take it out), put a curtain rod down the end and push.

That's actually pretty creative, never heard that one.

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The old Canadien blades can be thanked for that. They were always too fat for shafts back in the day. Just make sure the rod is somewhat sturdy or it'll end up bending and not being worth a damn.

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Thanks for all the help - this is actually my first two piece stick ever - I went straight from wood to composite.

I was heating with a heat gun - but it was the VICE that made the difference. My father in law had to hold the table the vice was on, but I got it out.

As for 'nobody needs to know news' - I think that blade may have been a fluke - it was a draper and darn hard to get in initially - but my new federov blade went in without much problem at all. Maybe I just stretched it...

Thanks again for the replies.


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I just recently got my ak27 in and i know what you mean about how tight the squeeze seemed getting the blade in. Now my problem is that I'm trying to get that darned wooden endplug out and that seems pretty near impossible. I haven't tried a vice yet, I need to find someplace that has one, any suggestions on how to get this out without a vice? I heated the thing up pretty hot with my mom's hair dryer and even held it over the heat of my stove, it was pretty hot and the thing was not even budging! From stepping down on the endplug and pulling the shaft with all my might, nothing is working for me on this so far.

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Without a vice, you can put a screw or two into the end plug, then either use a claw hammer or tie the screw heads to a door knob or something

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