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Gerard Gallant Fired

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they needed to do something. that team should be better than that. a lot of the players just aren't skating hard. nash included. lately, federov and malholtra have been their best players consistantly. people need to step up.

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Can't say I wasn't expecting it. And looks like we might get a proven coach, since it says we're starting a HC search.

Until just now...I couldn't have named the Jackets coach...


Ken Hitchcock maybe?


Keenan pisses off players and gets them to perform better than they ever did before. Hitchcock just pisses them off and gets them to score less than ever before.

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I'd mention Pat Quinn, but he doesn't seem motivated to join another team, especially a craptacular one like the Jackets.

I heard Keenan's name was being mentioned to coach the Finnish national team, but I don't know if thats only during the Olympics or if its year round.

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Some names being thrown about...Brent Sutter, Quinn, Hitchcock, Andy Murray, Keenan, and Kevin Dineen. I have a feeling it'll be Andy Murray. Ownership is making the final decisions on this one, but Doug McLean is submitting a list to the owners. I highly doubt Dougie will include Keenan and other strong personalities. McLean likes to meddle and wouldn't want someone like Keenan jeopardizing his job.

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Some names being thrown about...Brent Sutter, Quinn, Hitchcock, Andy Murray, Keenan, and Kevin Dineen. I have a feeling it'll be Andy Murray. Ownership is making the final decisions on this one, but Doug McLean is submitting a list to the owners. I highly doubt Dougie will include Keenan and other strong personalities. McLean likes to meddle and wouldn't want someone like Keenan jeopardizing his job.

Keenan is the only one who has a chance of motivating that team. There are a lot of guys who will float a lot if they are not held accountable.

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As crazy as it sounds I agree with Chad on this one. Keenean will piss off everyone in the organization before he is done but at this point I feel like he may be the only answer. The Bluejackets just wont work out there. They are an extrememly talented team but not so talented that they dont need to work out there every night. An A-hole like Keenan wouldnt be afraid to bench a few guys, call out a few "superstars" who arent producing, and get results. Everyone would hate him but I dont think you would see the large sections of empty seats that we are starting to see in C-bus because the boys would be skating hard and winning some games. Whoever replaces Gallant i hope they do it soon.

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They have a great coach already waiting, Dean Blais from UND. They hired him last year, he has a great history of motivating players at the college level, I think he would do well with the young guys in Columbus.

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next on the firing block, or resigning, i expect gretzky, man he sucks at coaching, watch their PP sometime, see how bad it looks

Just goes to show you...Great player does not always = Great coach. Name 10 of the "best" coaches that you can think of. Can you think of ANY significant accomplishment they had as a player? Probably not. There are exceptions...of course. I am speaking in GENERAL terms.

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