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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looks Like NBH will be pissed

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Well he had been decked out in NBH gear since the beginning of the season (with an exception of the RbK helmet) and he was taken off the featured players on Rbk's site.

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Kopitar was using them at the start, if I remember.

When I went to their training camp and rookie tourny he used a vapor xxx lite for a while. He switched during camp.

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Well he had been decked out in NBH gear since the beginning of the season (with an exception of the RbK helmet) and he was taken off the featured players on Rbk's site.

That doesnt mean hes signed, he could just prefer their equipment.

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the dolomite like everyone else? I wonder what's so great about this stick. everyone is using it. I'd say right now the majority are using stealths or dolomites in the nhl. I haven't heard anything too crazy on here about warriors.

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the dolomite like everyone else? I wonder what's so great about this stick. everyone is using it. I'd say right now the majority are using stealths or dolomites in the nhl. I haven't heard anything too crazy on here about warriors.

The stick is great, go try it and see for yourself.

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I love my Dolomite shaft. The feel of the blade (Fedorov) I am using right now isn't where I'd like it to be but overall I'm happy.

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Kopitar was using them at the start, if I remember.

When I went to their training camp and rookie tourny he used a vapor xxx lite for a while. He switched during camp.

I was at tonight's game and he was using Warrior

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chances are its not really a dolomite, im guessing its a Macdaddy painted.

I can see it happening. Far too often I see players using SLs painted like Stealths.

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Warriors = renamed Innovative?

yup the dolomite is just a painted over 1100 with a new blade...i think and the mac daddy is just a painted over true one.....at least this is what i hear

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That's what I don't understand. When innovative came out, you couldn't give them away. Now Warrior puts some paint on them and everyone says it's the 2nd coming...

It's still an Innovative stick.

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He might have run out of XXX lites or something like that...If I recall Warrior is the company that can produce custom patterns the quickest.

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That's what I don't understand. When innovative came out, you couldn't give them away. Now Warrior puts some paint on them and everyone says it's the 2nd coming...

It's still an Innovative stick.

Nobody knew of them, that's the big difference. Sure, Warrior hasn't changed the product itself but the service and advertising they've done is infinitely better than what Inno was doing.

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The Dolomite is the 1100, the Mac Daddy is the True 1. In my observation a lot of russians have used Innovative sticks over the years and seem to prefer them.

Also, it wasnt that Innovative couldnt give their sticks away its that people couldnt find them. Now that they have become comercialized people are starting to notice the quality and effectiveness of these products. I have been using 1100's, Novious and True 1's for the last 3 or so years and Swear by them. Mogilny curve, 260 flex.

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Inno had too much on their plate with their OEM business. Now that it is just their brand that they are creating, it has been easier for them to supply dealers with the Inno product.

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Inno had too much on their plate with their OEM business. Now that it is just their brand that they are creating, it has been easier for them to supply dealers with the Inno product.

Ya what JR siad. BTW; What do you think of Inno. products?

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