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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Antoine Vermette's stick

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I've seen the new RM9's in a LHS, but I haven't heard anything about the RM19. I saw that Bonk and Plekanec on Montreal were using them, but I think they have since switched. What's the word on this stick. How much will it cost? Whats the weight? What technological advances? I can't find any info on it. The Sher-wood site sucks. It doesn't even have any RM9's on there and they are in stores now.

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I've seen the new RM9's in a LHS, but I haven't heard anything about the RM19. I saw that Bonk and Plekanec on Montreal were using them, but I think they have since switched. What's the word on this stick. How much will it cost? Whats the weight? What technological advances? I can't find any info on it. The Sher-wood site sucks. It doesn't even have any RM9's on there and they are in stores now.

I got to see the RM7 (haven't seen the RM9 yet) in person the other day. I was tempted to buy it since it was only $75 US and I have a $50 gift card, but it was big time blade heavy.

My LHS has some RM19's. I don't know much about them other then they are very long, and very expensive.

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I've seen the new RM9's in a LHS, but I haven't heard anything about the RM19. I saw that Bonk and Plekanec on Montreal were using them, but I think they have since switched. What's the word on this stick. How much will it cost? Whats the weight? What technological advances? I can't find any info on it. The Sher-wood site sucks. It doesn't even have any RM9's on there and they are in stores now.

SWD Hockey .....it's a totally different site than the Sher-Wood site

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SWD Hockey .....it's a totally different site than the Sher-Wood site

I like how the Sher-wood patterns are prefixed with 2-letter codes that are suspiciously similar to Easton patterns.

Easton really does set the standard, no matter who's name is on the stick/blade.

I think for retail patterns there should be a manufacturers "gentleman's agreement" where every standard pattern is numbered rather than named. That way consumers could freely move from one manufacturer to another knowing what they're getting in a blade. How many named patterns are what the corresponding pro actually uses? I'd bet not too many.

I know from a marketing standpoint that would go against the whole principle of putting a pro's name on the pattern, however from a consumer standpoint it would make it much easier for us.

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