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Playstation 3

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Just some more fuel for the fire that is Xbox 360 vs PS3. In no way am I biased towards either system, they are both technological powerhorses and I am just taken aback by how amazing these consoles have gotten. However I am a little more black and white when it comes to games, I can't wait for Halo 3, but then MGS4... ;) anyways in my group of friends one person is getting a PS3 and the other a 360, so either way I'll get to play the games and have fun doing so.



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just that they can break things , such as tvs windows and such.

it was funny. i havent broken anything......YET!

There is actually an entire site dedicated to it...pretty funny :lol:


YES!!!!! It must be fun if people get into it to the point of throwing the controlers at the tv! These storys are a crack up.

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Wow, does anyone think the ps3 grafx look a lot more choppier than the 360? On the 360 it looks crisper too

What they don't tell you is that they hooked up the ps3 with component video cables. If you want to get the best graphics from the ps3, you need to hook it up using an hdmi cable. They are both great systems. I have a 360 and a ps3 and I have played call of duty 3 on both systems. When hooked up with componet video, the look very similar. When you hook up the ps3 with an hdmi cable, the ps3 looks better. When games are made that use the full power of the ps3 there will be no doubt that the ps3 is better. It can do things(1080 p resolution,hdmi,)that the 360 can't.

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That video is straight up trash. They dont even have the PS3 in front of them to play, and make comments on. Simply not true. The game they call "excite bike" is actually MotorStorm, and happens to be one of the smoothest running games out there. There is no way that Resistence looks like a PS2 game. Play it, then make a comment on it.

The 1080i issue is correct, but Sony will be releasing a firmware update in the near future to correct that. Its got to be a pretty old tv to not support 720p anyway.

And what is that guy trying to prove about ebay prices? No legit auction sold for 30,000 or even 10,000. The most one went for was a little over 3,000 bundled with games and controllers. So what it was down the $1100 after 2 days? Where im from that would equate to double profit.

this was an interesting site.. thought i would share with everyone.


Besides them using shitty component cables to keep it fair, all those games shown are Xbox360 ports to the PS3. Thats why the graphics are so similar.

The 360's biggest victories were in Fight Night Round 3

LMFAO. Anyone with working eyes can tell you that the PS3 version of Fight Night owns the 360 version.

Heres a real comparison

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Who cares that much about graphics anways? The minute differences between the 360 and PS3 graphically aren't enough to declare one system "better" than the other. The difference is in the games and how they play. Just give me a game that's fun and I'll be happy; whether it's on the PS3 or the 360. The system that will win the "console war" will be the system with better games.

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Who cares that much about graphics anways? The minute differences between the 360 and PS3 graphically aren't enough to declare one system "better" than the other. The difference is in the games and how they play. Just give me a game that's fun and I'll be happy; whether it's on the PS3 or the 360. The system that will win the "console war" will be the system with better games.

This is how I'm feeling. I wasn't as much impressed with the difference between the PS3 and the XBox 360 - however - I was impressed that the Wii, although clearly less impressive graphically, was still able to compete, for less than half the cost. It is defintely going to depend on the games - who knows maybe Wii will end up beating both PS3 & XBox...

I am just waiting for Wii Hockey....

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I'm sure someone will come out with a hockey game. Imagine the deking, shooting, body checks, etc. What a great game it would make for the Wii...

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Zelda and those other games look like they could be fun with the new system, but I heard that Madden is absolutely awful with the new controls. I would imagine a hockey game would be the same.

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I'd like to see Wii hockey in a 3rd person view, that could be pretty cool otherwise I could see it just becoming a chore trying to complete a game on that.

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Zelda and those other games look like they could be fun with the new system, but I heard that Madden is absolutely awful with the new controls. I would imagine a hockey game would be the same.

I've heard the complete opposite. I actually own the game but I haven't opened it yet. Been too busy with the holiday rush and everything.

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Granted both people who have told me Madden sucks are nerdy and most likely dislike Madden on all systems. I still don't think hockey would turn out well. Keep in mind how fast paced and non-stop hockey can be, playing it on a Wii would be a serious work out.

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Granted both people who have told me Madden sucks are nerdy and most likely dislike Madden on all systems. I still don't think hockey would turn out well. Keep in mind how fast paced and non-stop hockey can be, playing it on a Wii would be a serious work out.

I hate Madden. You know why? Cause I suck at it :lol: Im good at every other freakin' game, but i suck at Madden. i dont get it. Apparently im football illiterate.

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Are they even coming out with hockey? Thats one of the reasons I wasnt going to buy the Wii

i asked that at gamestop the other day and so far there are no hockey games on their list. i wish there was though!!!

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im gettin the playstation 3 tonight, any game suggestions?

You just said that to make us jelous,

Heres suggestion go take the ps3 smash it up and go for a run instead of sitting around a t.v. for hours on end ruining your eyes and making you get out of shape.

I'am with zrez

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