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Figure Skaters Stories

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I know you all have them.. The horror stories about 12 year old girls who would slit your throat with their skates if they were sharp enough because you got in their way. Spill the beans.

My stories:

There is this one Korean girl who comes with her little sister and mom to public skate and thinks that its just open ice. We actually call her "the skud" because I swear she aims at trying to ram into you. Its not uncommon for her to do the move where you go backwards, put your skate up and go in a circle... the only thing is that it manages to hit somebody every time she does it because her circle takes up 1/3 of the rink... I mean, she takes up an entire zone when she does it. And when she nails you with her blade, her mom starts screaming at you like some demon in Korean and banging her fist on the window like it was your fault.

She isn't the only one who thinks that its open ice time either. They usually set up cones on the faceoff dots inside the blue lines and have signs on the cones saying "figure skaters only". This isn't that bad, but when you cross over on accident or just barely cross their imaginary line you get screamed at. I got so fed up with them one time that I waited to be first on the ice after they cleaned it, went right for the center faceoff circle and did the hardest figure eights I could for a good 2 minutes. I utterly trashed the ice. I had a few nicks that almost went to the concrete. :P

Best story of all..

I walked in a few weeks ago to check up on a schedule and the advanced figure skating lessons had just finished. I saw about 5 or 6 girls who had custom wheel bags for their "gear". lol.

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almost every time i go to an open skate (not too often, really) there are a few of them out there. Lots of times they do the cones as well. They seem to be a lot mellower here, be it's always kind of odd seeing the 75 year old male russian trainers doing the twirls and shit.

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  BK said:
Best story of all..

I walked in a few weeks ago to check up on a schedule and the advanced figure skating lessons had just finished. I saw about 5 or 6 girls who had custom wheel bags for their "gear". lol.

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They're girls, they're allowed to have the wheel bags. It is far more acceptable for them to have wheel bags than any hockey player.

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Ya, I wasn't sure what he ment with the Korean comment, but I feel your pain about skates spinning round head height at a busy public session.

What annoys me most is when they're doing their backwards circles and they hit some little kid and they blame them <_<

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And when she nails you with her blade, her mom starts screaming at you like some demon in Korean and banging her fist on the window like it was your fault.
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Hell no! ?No way that wouldnt happen to me. Did you just sit there and take it? I'd be giving it right back to her. Whats she gona do?

PLUS around here, almost the entire staff is full of hockey players. And all of us (me and my friends) are good friends with the staff. So if that figure skater really pissed you off, get the staff to change the schedule without notice a day or two. And then make sure that mom sees you walking onto the ice with your skates and stick. Thatd be a laugh and you know it would feel good.

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I think that if they're allowed to do their triple-lutz's and camel spins (whever the hell they're called :) ) then we should be able to take our our gear and a few pucks. What's fair is fair right? I bet I'll be less of a hazard out there shooting some pucks at the boards and stickhandling around, then they are with their neck-high razor blades???

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  All Torhs Team said:
And when she nails you with her blade, her mom starts screaming at you like some demon in Korean and banging her fist on the window like it was your fault.
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Hell no! ?No way that wouldnt happen to me. Did you just sit there and take it? I'd be giving it right back to her. Whats she gona do?

PLUS around here, almost the entire staff is full of hockey players. And all of us (me and my friends) are good friends with the staff. So if that figure skater really pissed you off, get the staff to change the schedule without notice a day or two. And then make sure that mom sees you walking onto the ice with your skates and stick. Thatd be a laugh and you know it would feel good.

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What can you do? If I scream back at the mom, I feel like a loser. Its not like the girl tries to hit me (in fact, she's pretty nice and talks to me and my wife a lot). I just get frustrated because when she does it, she takes up a lot of room and had total disregard for everybody else on the ice.

As for her being Korean, why do people take that comment as a bad thing? I just mentioned it for reference to her mom's screaming at me.

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  BK said:

As for her being Korean, why do people take that comment as a bad thing? I just mentioned it for reference to her mom's screaming at me.

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It's not a bad thing. If the lady is Korean and she is speaking Korean, then you probably cannot help but notice that she is screaming in Korean. You just stated the fact. At least that is how I read it. By the way, if the girl is nice and talks to you and your wife, could you talk to her and see if she even knows how much ice she is taking? Maybe she can scoot down or over or something. Leave mom out if it.

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I actually think it was Nuggy's "damn Koreans" comment that caused the reaction - and if I squint my eyes up I do believe I can see his tongue planted firmly in his cheek.

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We have a lot of elite and wanna be elite level figure skaters in our building. Just the other day I had to share a laugh with the other shop guys: One of the figure skaters comes in to let Jim know that there is something wrong with his blade on the outside edge of the left boot and oh , it must be a 1/8" long. So, the reason he landed on his butt after his triple toe loop has to do with his skate, never his technique or ability. Meanwhile, in the rink right in front of me is a hockey team practicing with about 25 players. I'll bet over half of them have missing edges and nicks all over their blades! Do they ever come in to whine when they miss a breakaway or lose an edge skating backwards? No, case closed.

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That comment cracked me up..I'm Asian so the whole Korean thing cracks me up. It's sorta inside joke with the non-Korean Asians :P

Only issue I have with the figure skaters is that they don't stay in their area! I know what you mean when they go twirling around and your trying to skate by them. But lucikly, there arn't very many figure skaters around when I go, or many skaters at all so that's probably why they feel like they can go wherever.

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I have to deal with figure skaters every week. I have skating practice (conditioning) on Monday nights during public with my coach. Coach requires me to be decked out in full gear, alas no stick or puck though.

There were only two times where we had anything even close to a problem. One time I was doing a timed lap and a figure skater made a sudden turn in front of me. I figure that since I'm the one in full pads it's my responsibility to avoid collisions. I always looked at it as practice for weaving in traffic.

The other time we had problems was when one of the figure skater coaches took her jacket off to to work on something and revealed a beautifully sculpted figure. Coach had a real problem keeping my attention after that, heck coach even had a problem staying focused.

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Our rink has this old lady that does slooooow motion figure skating. She is a cranky old bitch that always yells at the kids if they skate to fast by her. When my son was younger we had a few words over it.

Why is it that figure skaters CANNOT repair thier tow picks!!! The gouge chunks of ice out that could sink the Titanic and just leave it. Our rink won't let them skate on the main sheet of ice just because of that.

We also had this fat, homo that would skate in shorts with knee pads. He would glide about 50 feet, drop to one knee, extend one leg and an arm and glide until he stopped. We stared calling him the ice princess.

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I like going to the open skate and just doing some basic drills crossovers, pivots and such. then out of no where a figure skater just flies past you and knocks over a little kid and gets in trouble then they say that I was being dangerous. and to top it all off i was asked to leave, for skating faster than the flow of others.

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