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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Eerie stuff at the shop today...

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This is an unfortunate story that came up at work today.

Back in April, a guy came in and bought $900 worth of stuff. He paid with a personal check, which ended up bouncing. The store then decided to pass a rule not allowing personal checks in excess of $250.

Anyway, one of the guys in the shop investigates bad check writers...well today he decides to google search the guy's name...

First link is an obit. He died the day after he bought the stuff.

Weird, eh?

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Nope. I once had to deal with a situation like this before.

A guy who I used to see at Solar Bears games came in and bought skates for him and his wife, because they were both going to learn how to skate. About two years later he came back to the store with his wife's skates. He asked me if I can take them back. I asked him "Is there a problem?" And he said, "Yes - my wife died a month after we bought the skates and she never wore them. They were sitting in the closet and I was cleaning out some stuff and I found them."

I now see him at the Seals games. He goes to the games alone now, so I always make it a point to stop by between periods and talk for a bit.

Perhaps I should contact his family to find out if they want to return the gear.

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Sheesh... makes you think. 41 is awfully young. Did the obit say how he died?

There was some mention of improperly sharpened skates.....

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Sheesh... makes you think.  41 is awfully young.  Did the obit say how he died?

There was some mention of improperly sharpened skates.....

hahaha nice!

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