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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Help

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I need some advice on getting a new pair of skates....my situation is kind of unique. I have searched the forums and have asked my LHS many times...but haven't really gotten anywhere.

I'm looking for a skate I can use for about 9 months for beer league hockey that is wide and comfortable - to allow for the two plates in my left leg down to my ankles from a recent break. After the 9 months, I can have the plates out and hopefully go back to the Synergy 1500c.

My current Synergy 1500c skates do not fit, as my ankes are 7mm wider due to the plates (no more swelling). Re-moulding will probably not work.

When I open skate, I grab a rental skate (like a ski boot) - this is fine for skating, but will not work for hockey. I'm thinking of getting one of the cheaper lines of skates based on comfort and size. Any recommendations?

Any help would be appreciate, as my LHS is not sure what to do with me!

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Go to PlayItAgain Sports and see what they have used on the cheap that works but doesn't hurt. Graf used to make a skate that was softer in the ankles (705?) that were often recommended for skaters coming back from ankle injuries looking for that softer fit around the tender area.

Otherwise, go to an Oshman's or some generic sports store that has lower line eq and see if you can pick something up on the cheap that feels OK.

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I agree, check out the Graf made for ankle injuries. I think it may be the 727. It won't be cheap compared to a low end skate but probably worth it.

Check out the Graf website to verify which skate would work or call a dealer. Also for an added bonus, the pitch on Graf's is more forward similar to your Easton's

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Perhaps you could find the RBK 5k pump on sale somewhere and try that on. I'm thinking wearing that and not pumping the ankle too much may work for you...maybe not, but it couldn't hurt to try them on.

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Thanks for the help....I will take a look at the avenues mentioned here, especially the Grafs. It's nice to have some direction, rather then just feeling hung out there without a solution.

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