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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Couple of funny fight pictures

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wade belak what a legend!(well to my hometown).he used to play for my team in coventry when the lock out happened. that guy had to be one of the toughest players in the league. (he did have eric cains) o (and jeremy corninsh).

he looks a little worse for the wear here.ile have to show the boys!

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That was actually one of Belak's best fights of the year. It was badass of him to fight, too. Brashear was being a bitch to Newbury (who was playing his first NHL game) all game long. Belak had gotten sticked in the face the day before, and had that huge gash on the top of his nose/eye. Pretty badass to stick up for your teammate when you already look like you got your ass kicked if you ask me.

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Park in a fight is one of the things I never thought I'd see.

Svitov just fought Kesler the other night, I've never seen Svitov fight before.

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Brashier got rocked last night by Peters. Peters threw a right and knocked his helmet off then followed up with 2 rights that looked like they stunned him pretty good. Have to give credit to Brashier though, he didn't go down and hung in there.

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Svitov (when he was in Hamilton) got into a fight that took everyone by surprise.

Alex Svitov Fight versus Binghamton Senators (AHL)

[right click and download if you are interested...I doubt the server it is one will stream it very well]

I love how they go off on a tangent and the fight is still going on..."another one, another one..." :lol:

(play by play is Derek Wills & Al Craig / 820 CHAM Hamilton)

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