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Al Qaeda in Saudi Arabia

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A couple days ago I happened upon a link on the Drudge Report website that showed the after photos of the execution of the American in Riyahd. I have to say that I can not think of an instance where I have ever been more sickened and disgusted. Not only the way he was executed, but also the manner in which the photos were set up were totally revolting.

It's hard to believe that someone can hate another person and what that person stands for so much, but the proof was all in those photos. I'm kind of rambling on here, because even now I'm shaking in anger at what I saw. Did anyone else see the images? I'm just looking for some other thoughts out there.

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I've gone out of my way not to see them. It's wrong to kill someone but using religion or race as a basis for your actions is even more so.

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Consider yourself lucky.. the pictures were just abominal (I saw them as well) but the actual video of the Nick Berg "beheading" was without question the most brutal, sickening, angering, disgusting thing I have ever seen in my entire life. I was literally sick for days afterward. I will never ever forget the screams of that poor young man. There is no punishment for these people (al qaeda/monothiesm extremists) other than death... They are brutal animals. It is folly to think, even for a second, that you can negotiate peace or maintain it with these kind of scum. To entertain such a thought is pure naivety.

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The only other thing I can think of is do what General Pershing did while in the Phillipines. Take 50 of them, dump pork blood and carcasses of pigs all over the men, kill them, then bury them. Yet let one live and run away to tell the others. Seemed to work in the Phillipines very well.

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The only way to prevent it is to properly educate children and give them hope for life. Most of the terrorists are poor and uneducated.

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The problem is that a good deal of their leadership is highly educated and have shown themselves to be excellent "operational" planners. When you combine their smarts and charisma planning skills with an army of savage thugs who have spent a lifetime being indoctrinated in hate, it just makes for a power keg with a short fuse, as we've seen.

I think that they've miscalculated in their thought that they can intimidate the West by using these brutal techniques of execution. If anything, I think it just hardens the resolve of the average American that what we are doing is just and that we need to see it through to the end.

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I've gone out of my way not to see them. It's wrong to kill someone but using religion or race as a basis for your actions is even more so.

I am with you on that one. When I was younger there was a video series called "Faces of Death." Fill in the blank on what it was about. You watch real people die real deaths and you just feel an awful void. You fill this a few times out of wondering about it.

After that you never want to see things like that again.

I know its tempting but avoiding these images is best for your soul and mind.

I am not a "relgious" person at all. I just dont want anyone to get use to these types of images.

God bless the brave victims.

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Consider yourself lucky.. the pictures were just abominal (I saw them as well) but the actual video of the Nick Berg "beheading" was without question the most brutal, sickening, angering, disgusting thing I have ever seen in my entire life. I was literally sick for days afterward. I will never ever forget the screams of that poor young man. There is no punishment for these people (al qaeda/monothiesm extremists) other than death... They are brutal animals. It is folly to think, even for a second, that you can negotiate peace or maintain it with these kind of scum. To entertain such a thought is pure naivety.

That Daniel Pearl video made me sick, but the pictures that have came out recently haven't really kicked in.

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The thing is, they would do the same to any of us, simply because we don't share their theology.

EDIT: theology is not the study of Theo.

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The thing is, they would do the same to any of us, simply because we don't share their theology.

Absolutely, they would consider themselves very lucky to happen upon some un-armed US citizens to bleed. It's one of the things that is so frustrating about them (al-quada and the monothiest like) is that they are cowardly rats that hide behind civilians and use innocents as shields.

An Iraqi friend of mine refers to them as "nazis without balls" (which isn't saying much). As furious as he is with them, he's just as furious at Islam who don't seem to condemn these crimes.. here is a group of coward-savages slandering, warping and twisting a religion into a convenient mask to parade innocent civilians to their brutal murders. Meanwhile those that actually practice the religion say nothing to condemn these people or the atrocities they carry out. It makes you think. I know muslims are furious and confused that their leaders are not being more adamant about speaking out about these things. I would be too.

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Frequently those leaders are afraid of becoming targets themselves. That's why the Saudi's have been paying many of the terrorists to stay out of their country.

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Frequently those leaders are afraid of becoming targets themselves. That's why the Saudi's have been paying many of the terrorists to stay out of their country.

That's true. Also, we see how well pandering to terrorists works for the Saudi's.

Did anyone get just a little suspicious about the Saudi's after the Johnson thing? I mean, they knew about it for a week (that Johnson was kindapped) couldn't find these guys despite searching everywhere and then they just happen upon all of them while they're filling their tanks at a gas station and shoot them just an hour or so after beheading Johnson? Isn't that a little convenient?

What amazes me is that they can't track these guys down seeing as how they have to have access to the internet to get their stuff out. Being an IT security person myself I find it hard to believe it's difficult to trace these kinds of things. Obviously the audit trail is being hidden from those that need to know it.

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According to most reports, they really aren't that motivated to help prevent terrorism. Anything they do to hunt down the people who commit these acts makes them a bigger target. Not to mention the fact that as often as not, the terrorists are Saudis as well. Add to that many members of the Saudi royal family are pretty open in their support and we're fighting an uphill battle.

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I'm beginning to think that the term Saudi Special Forces is an oxymoron. They managed to get to the drop on Johnson's murderers at the gas station, and then they lose three or four of their own in the ensuing shootout whilst letting a couple guys get away. Also, when they had hostage situation at the housing complex earlier this month they up and forget to set a perimeter around the complex. Wonder of wonders, I think it was something like seven or eight of the terrorists were able to escape. On the footage CNN had where the Saudis were "tight roping" out of the helicopters onto the roof, they looked like porceline dolls trying to shimmy out of the copters inch by inch.

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