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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stuff to do on my 18th Birthday

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Ok gang, so it's now officially my 18th birthday, but I can't think up anything good to do other than smoking a Cuban in front of all the impressionable young children in my neighborhood. I need some ideas. Gimme something good to do other than buying porn, tobacco, and firearms.

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Happy Birthday

You live in the US don't you? Was going to suggest you buy your first beer but hmm... I agree with strip club or learn to drive :P

you can start driving when you're 16 here

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Not sure for other places, but you need to be 19 around here for cigs.

It's 18 in most places.

First thing I did for my 18th was sign my soul away for a two year cellphone contract.

Since I don't smoke the only other thing I really took advantage of was being able to go to casinos (in Minnesota). First dollar I ever put in a slot won me $360 (no I didn't blow it that night).

Other things you can do:

-Buy Lottery Tickets / Scratch offs

-Buy Cigars

-Enter to contests to win things

-Go to certain provinces in Canada to drink

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I think I officially have just found the best/weirdest idea ever for what I can do: Buy dry ice or rent a carpet steamer from my local grocery store, both of which have been restricted by age requirements in the past.

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Pretty much anything you can rent you have to be 18 (to sign a contract)

But dry ice sounds fun. 20oz or 2 Liter Bottles + Dry Ice + Water = Loud explosion. Just don't be an idiot and stand next to the bomb or walk up to it to find out why it didn't go off.

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consumate the fine aging you have aquired with a glenlivet, chivas regal, glenmorangie or glenfiddich 18 year old.

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what did you end up doing?

i partied on my 18th and got trashed. it was fun, and i even played hockey the next day and got 3 goals and 2 assists

Want a cookie? :rolleyes:


-give blood

-go to a stripclub

-start a collection of alcohol bottles/beer (just because you can)

-go to an ADULT :) store haha

- join a beer league:P

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