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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Craziest Sports Video EVER

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Wow, what an ending. I've never seen so many onside kicks recovered in a row.

Another great game was played tonight. Boise State played Oklahoma. Check Sportscenter or ESPNEWS...

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Haha wow. Great video. The black guys kicks were great haha. What was the original score?

I believe the original score was 0-0 ;), but Plano East was down 41-17 with 3:03 left. Funny thing is, the other team scored the previous two TDs on defense to make it 41-17. So John Tyler's offense wasn't on the field for almost the entire 4th quarter (a quarter where they scored 3 TDs).

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Haha, that is soo funny but I would hate to be in those kids though. Best line is certainly at the end when he said: ''I wanna throw up''. Classic.

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I called it about half-way through. I'm sitting here with my buddy, and I was like, 'They're going to take the lead, then Tyler'll run it back for a TD.'


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in the semis at Narch my team was down 3-1 with about two minutes left in the semis. We scored one and then got another after pulling the keeper with 30 seconds to tie it. We were going nuts on the bench because our worst player had tied it too. Right off the drop a flukey bounce gives them a 2-1 and they score off a deflection along the floor through our goalies legs.

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