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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Bake Ovens - Information

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Hi there guys.

Im looking for information specification sheets, pictures, options, versions, pros and cons, for various skate bake ovens.

Im looking to purchse one for use in the UK (230v AC 50Hz).

Im going to be opening a store very soon, and need to get one as nobody does this service in the area.

Any help will greatly be appriciated.


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The Bauer oven is the most common one around here and is very good. The Mission oven is much more compact if that matters to you.

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We use the Mission oven as well. It is made by the same company that makes the oven for GRAF. You guys might want to consider buying one straight from the factory. I believe the company is in Denmark.

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If I may just add comments here, the ovens look alike, they have the same dimensions and are from the same co, etc, but... the NBH oven was spec'd with a heating element that was specific to NBH for our skate constructions in witch the temperature could only hit a max of X and which is lower than than the ovens mentioned.

I would recomend the baking time be reduced slightly in the other ovens, just to be sure. It is easyer to put the skates back in the over if they are not ready than over bake them and rune into problems.

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Thanks chadd, but i already done that, most of the images are thumbnails and some cant be accessed.

I need good quality pictures so that i can to compare etc.

Once again here in the UK there is very little in the way of information.

And i will be purchasing one i want to make the right desicion based on what i see/hear.

If I may just add comments here, the ovens look alike, they have the same dimensions and are from the same co, etc, but... the NBH oven was spec'd with a heating element that was specific to NBH for our skate constructions in witch the temperature could only hit a max of X and which is lower than than the ovens mentioned.

I would recomend the baking time be reduced slightly in the other ovens, just to be sure. It is easyer to put the skates back in the over if they are not ready than over bake them and rune into problems.

Thanks for that, which was your oven which was speced for? what is the maximum temperature settings etc.

Do you have a data sheet or something on the ovens which you can PM me.

Like ive mentioned before, im in the UK and information and resources are very limited.


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Thanks JR

What is the highest the other machines go upto?

Why did you get rid of it (if you did)?

Does most skates need to go over 175 ? to be allowed to fit them etc? or is this just a NBH thing?

Once again, sorry for the questions.

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If you are not going to have a lot of volume, you may want to wait on getting a skate oven as they are very pricey. I have a Bauer oven and it works great, but the limit is it only goes to 200 degrees. Just not hot enough to do KORs and some other skates. So, I improvised and went on Ebay and for $50 got a Otis Spunkmier convection cookie oven. It is awesome. Heats up wicked fast and temps up to 500 degrees (although 225 is all you'll evenr need). It works great for all skates. May be a good way for you to offer heat molding without high price of a conventional skate oven. Just a thought.

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If you are not going to have a lot of volume, you may want to wait on getting a skate oven as they are very pricey. I have a Bauer oven and it works great, but the limit is it only goes to 200 degrees. Just not hot enough to do KORs and some other skates. So, I improvised and went on Ebay and for $50 got a Otis Spunkmier convection cookie oven. It is awesome. Heats up wicked fast and temps up to 500 degrees (although 225 is all you'll evenr need). It works great for all skates. May be a good way for you to offer heat molding without high price of a conventional skate oven. Just a thought.

We dont have the likes of the Kor skates etc over here in the uk, its mainly the bauer/ccm/reebok/easton etc.

What is the average temperature that a skate should be baked at ? eg for each manufacturer.

Ive got the chance of getting the bauer fheet form one, but i just want to see if it will do the skates i need to do.

I just think this unit 'looks' more professional but that is just my opinion.



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