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The Webster

Beckham to LA Galaxy

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woah this is odd,

going from one of the best clubs/leauges in the world to MLS

thats a huge step down.

Thats basically saying wayne rooney coming from premiership going to leauge 2 or confrence.

scary stuff I'd say

what do you guys think?

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I think he's washed up his skills are in decline, but it will be good for MLS. A good fit for him, too - he'll be a starter, he'll be in LA. Too bad JR isn't still there.

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Maybe it's a step down in terms of play but he's getting his face out to Americans, who only know him as "that Spice Girl's husband."

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He's been over rated his entire career.

He takes large chunks of games off, has no heart, can't play physically.

He is without doubt one of the greatest passers/free takers ever, but thats where it ends.

I would take Maradonna now, on one leg, even with his coked up heart over beckham.

Maradonna paid a physical price, played with passion gave it all every game, had vision the likes of which will never be seen again.

Beckham has a good pass, take that away, he is an average player, which is why he could not get a regular starting gig at Real

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250 MILLION !!!!!!! for a MLS team? do they even make half of that in a year? Thats world class money for a getting old mediocre player (superstar skills, no heart). Bad move for becks and LA. Great move for madrid, hes just been wasting space, capello won't give him any game time.


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they're going to being in quite a few people that refuse to watch MLS but like international soocer because of the Beckham name... I think that's what they're banking on.

Internationally known name + winning season(s) = fans => $

They're probably going to lose a lot of money though.

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Good for the game in North America and MLS. Apparently people are already going crazy in Toronto to get tickets.

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i agree with Allsmokenopancake... Becks has been really over rated. Cant tackle anything, and doesnt play physical.. unless you count kicking an Argentinian when you are on the ground. No doubt his crossing abilities are good, but so are Gerrard, Lampard, Pennent... He was Sven's (England Manager) blue-eyed boy... but Sven had trouble choosing his women as well..

Adidas did wonders for him, making him into a star.

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  D3nZ said:

Good for the game in North America and MLS. Apparently people are already going crazy in Toronto to get tickets.

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Over 500 calls and 100 tickets sold. They don't even know WHEN LA will play in Toronto. The sched isn't out yet.

Who owns the LA team? Is it part of a big corporation or one really *really* rich guy. $250 Mil seems like an awful in a league that most people didn't even know existed.

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  fatwabbit said:

i agree with Allsmokenopancake... Becks has been really over rated. Cant tackle anything, and doesnt play physical.. unless you count kicking an Argentinian when you are on the ground. No doubt his crossing abilities are good, but so are Gerrard, Lampard, Pennent... He was Sven's (England Manager) blue-eyed boy... but Sven had trouble choosing his women as well..

Adidas did wonders for him, making him into a star.

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actually it was fergie who turned him into a star

adidas just took advantage of it

and just for the record i belive since the world cup goal the last time he scored from a free kick was i belive 3 seasons before.

i dont feel that he was svens blue eyed boy he was just their most played senior player.

but he can still deliver a good cross no and again bu thats all he's got

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good crosses once in a while... not always...

fergie had quite a few other good players like Ole (baby faced assasin), scholes and butt... scholes still scores some wonder goals...

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  fatwabbit said:

good crosses once in a while... not always...

fergie had quite a few other good players like Ole (baby faced assasin), scholes and butt... scholes still scores some wonder goals...

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And may have Laarson, which will piss me off no end, as a lifelong liverpool/Celtic fan, and avid united hater, I was sick when they got laarson on loan

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  RadioGaGa said:
  D3nZ said:

Good for the game in North America and MLS. Apparently people are already going crazy in Toronto to get tickets.

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Over 500 calls and 100 tickets sold. They don't even know WHEN LA will play in Toronto. The sched isn't out yet.

Who owns the LA team? Is it part of a big corporation or one really *really* rich guy. $250 Mil seems like an awful in a league that most people didn't even know existed.

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80 percent of that 250 million will come from endorsements.

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  Allsmokenopancake said:
  fatwabbit said:

good crosses once in a while... not always...

fergie had quite a few other good players like Ole (baby faced assasin), scholes and butt... scholes still scores some wonder goals...

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And may have Laarson, which will piss me off no end, as a lifelong liverpool/Celtic fan, and avid united hater, I was sick when they got laarson on loan

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you're not the only liverpool supporter that is pissed that Laarson is now with united... He a good player, and still scores important goals....

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  D3nZ said:

Good for the game in North America and MLS. Apparently people are already going crazy in Toronto to get tickets.

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Yeah but toronto getting a franchise sounds like a good idea, seeing how many europeans are there.Everyone watches soccer anyways. Just lately more channels are getting soccer, TLN always had serie A but sportsnet has EPL now. Im even excited to go watch a game with some of my friends

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Anyone see this as a threat to hockey? If the plan is to grow the U.S. soccer fan base, could it possibly come at the expense of hockey?

The seasonality is off but it will be interesting to see how this plays out.

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It couldn't be more of a threat than it already is now. I see a lot more kids in soccer than hockey, even up here.

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  mack said:

It couldn't be more of a threat than it already is now. I see a lot more kids in soccer than hockey, even up here.

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yeah, but hockey's so much more expensive to play. I'm sure if ice and equipment were cheaper a lot more people would play.

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  hocckey77 said:

yeah, but hockey's so much more expensive to play. I'm sure if ice and equipment were cheaper a lot more people would play.

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Not to mention there is the spectre of violence which I know turns a lot of parents off of letting their kids play hockey.

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